Letter 78

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Dear Yoongi,

You forgot me again today.

I had walked into your room to find you laying on your side, a frown etched put on your lips.

You had watched as I walked over and sat down in the chair in front of you. I sat back into it while gazing towards you, ready for whatever comment you were going to make.

"Who are you?" I sighed and looked down to my shoes, once again trying not to cry.

"I am Jeon Jungkook." You looked down to your hands that were laying on the pillow in front of you. You had let out a small 'oh.'

I sat forward and rested my elbow on my knee with my chin in my palm.

"How are you feeling?" You pouted and drug one hand down to your stomach.

"It hurts."

All I wanted and craved, was to crawl up into your bed with you. I wanted to wrap my arms around you and hold you close. You don't deserve to be in pain or to be lost in a world by yourself as the cancer tries to attack your brain.

When I left that night, you still didn't know who I was. You weren't even aware of the fact that we are dating.

When I left, I told you that I loved you. But, deep down, I knew you would forget by tomorrow.


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