Chapter Six: Wanting advice

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Authors Note: Not really much to say this time other than I hope you enjoy the chapter, and don't forget to comment and vote if you really enjoy it. It's not edited and also I know there's not much action at the moment, but give it time... you need to pick up on the hints to be able to understand the story. Anyway! Go enjoy! Oh and the POV changes a bit more than usual, look out for it... there will be a large space between the end paragraph to one POV and the new paragraph to the new POV.

Chapter Six: Wanting advice

Carly awoke to the sun streaming across her face, she sighed in content and looked back of the days that she had lived here with the Grange family. She couldn’t help but think that they seemed to know a lot about her, but she knew very little about them and she wanted to at least find out about the people who were kindly giving her a place to stay.

It wasn’t that they were being particularly quiet about their family background, it was, Carly realised, that she hadn’t actually asked them. Now that she thought about it, she’d never really started a conversation with them at all over the past couple of days.

So, Carly knew that she had to talk to someone about what to do about her brother, and in the process she may manage to find out a little more about the Grange family.

She didn’t know who best to ask. Mary-Lou seemed a little young, in actual fact she was too young for the conversation that she wanted to have about her brother, Mary-Lou may be the best one to speak honestly about her family, but she was the least likely to understand the matters of Carly’s life. The same pretty much went for Nathan, and out of the twins Lily seemed to be a bit more outspoken and open minded. Ellie was just a little too quiet. But once again, there was no way that Carly could seek the advice needed from a 16 year old. She thought back to when she was 16, when she was utterly and completely infatuated with Lucas, she didn’t know the workings of the world and at that age she didn’t really care to understand it all.

Then there was Isaac. Although Carly would have loved to run to Isaac and talk about everything explaining her feelings, a part of her wasn’t ready to make that leap. She was beginning to feel things for Isaac that she had never felt for anyone else. The attraction was there instantly and she had witnessed already, two sides to his character. Proving him to be more than what he appeared to be with looks alone. If she began to tell him every thought and feeling she had, she would look like a swooning school girl, and there was no way that she was willing to make a connection with someone that she would more than likely have to leave soon.

That left either Liam or Grace Grange. There was something about the pair that wasn’t like the usual dynamics of a couple. Liam seemed to be the calmer out of the two and the more subdued, whereas Grace seemed to control the household and the family. Whenever a conversation was held at the table, she was the centre of it. It intrigued Carly to think of who this woman was, and how the two of them met. Grace Grange definitely didn’t seem like the sort of girl that had been brought up with the same lifestyle that Carly was accustomed to. She couldn’t imagine Grace walking about in laced up dresses and petticoats. It was evident to see that from the clothes that Carly had borrowed from Grace, everything was very simple and easy to move around in, there was no constricting material or pretty designs.

If Carly went to Liam, she had the feeling that she would receive a similar reception to the one that she had had when he had introduced himself, he was very careful with the way that he spoke and never gave any personal details away of his own life.

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