Chapter Three: Needing Answers

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Authors Note:

I know that it's been a while since I uploaded. I am actually writing on the go as I am uploading, which is something that I actually didn't do with my previous book. Usually I write it all  first and then post the chapters, but that's why the chapters end up so short and why they get published on here so quickly. So I wanted to try something different by doing it this way so that the story ended up longer this time. I hope you enjoy it, and hopefully this gives you more background so that you know where that story is going. It isn't edited, so if there are any mistakes then please bare with.

On a side note, as stated , all material in this story and all of my works is copyrighted. All the idea's and characters belong to me and so anything written is of my own and not to be taken and copied. I don't usually write any of this, but I have seen quite a few people write it and thought that it may be a good idea just to enforce it on my own works. I will only mention it this once right here and not again because part of me would like to think that people would understand that this had taken me a long time and as a writer one of the worst things to see is when someone else has taken your idea's and cast them as their own. So now that you have had this rather long authors note please go and enjoy this chapter!

Thank you (:

Chapter Three:  Needing answers

Carly hurt all over.

The tingly feeling began at the tips of her fingers and spread through to her toes, and although she had the sense that she had been sleeping for a while, she couldn’t shift the fatigue that was left in her body. All her limbs felt like they didn’t belong to her and her memories were a mess. Entwined with a hint of disbelief at what she had had to endure over the past few days meant that it left Carly very confused.

She had met a man though. And hot amazing that man was. The way he looked into her eyes when they had spoken made time stop for her, yet it seemed to travel at the speed of light at the same time. She knew that she had to leave because there was no way that she could tell this kind stranger the truth. She couldn’t bring trouble to their door after they had helped her.

But what if Aleck came anyway? What if she wasn’t here if he managed to trace her steps and he killed them to? To leave without letting the family know what burden had been placed upon them also wasn’t fair. In ways Carly felt that it may be best to let the family be prepared.

It was better to be over prepared and for nothing to happen rather than be under prepared and for them to be faced with utter catastrophe.

Carly needed to get up and walk; she needed to feel the ground beneath her sore, aching feet, just for her to know that this was all real.

Memories flashed through her mind of the day that she had caught her brother in his murderous rampage. It just didn’t make any sense, this wasn’t like Aleck. This wasn’t the man she’d grown up with. Aleck had always respected their parents, always helped them with the family business yet now she was faced with the reality that the man that had lived in the same house as her was really a stranger. He had hurt her more than anyone else in the world could have. All the hurt he had saved her from in the past had now been out-weighed by the fact that he had left her all alone in this world with no money, no shelter, no family, no friends, no one to love and no one to care for her.

Carly had lived a very lucky life. Her father was born into an underprivileged life; in fact her grandfather had owned a ranch which had burnt down when her father was 5 leaving him an orphan with similar circumstances to her own. He had lived with his Aunt and she had owned a bakery with her husband. They had had no children of their own but Aunt Margaret was kind enough, until the death of Uncle Stewart which caused her to turn her father out at the age of 18.

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