Chapter Seventeen: Strangers

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Chapter 17 – Strangers

A/N: It has literally taken me so long to write this chapter, purely because of work from sixth form and university stuff and then of course my computer decides to break down on me every 10 seconds. But here it is and I hope you enjoy. It's definitely nearing the 'climatic' part of the story now. Your questions will soon be answered. 

“Ma!” I heard Ellie yell as she came barrelling down the stairs and into the kitchen “I need to go into town to fetch some more sewing supplies, I used the last up last week when I made Mary-Lou that dress for her friend's party, but I need to repair that dress for the town party that I go to with Lily every year!”

“Ellie Sasha Grange there is no need to shout so loud, I'm standing right here and I can hear you loud and clear, poor Carly's ears must have just about burst!”

I smiled kindly at Ellie as she hung her head in embarrassment “'sides” Grace continued “there isn't anyone to go with you, the boys are out visiting Fred and I won't have you go on your own at your age unless there's someone older, and before you say anything little miss, I need to remind you that your twin sister does not count.”

I laughed quietly as Ellie closed her mouth, her mother guessing the exact question that she was going to ask. Quickly stretching out my arms and legs I got to my feet, my body was still slightly aching from the 'lessons' even though they had taken place almost 2 days ago.

“I'll go with her Grace, I mean it's still day light and it's only a quick trip into town right Ellie?”

Ellie nodded so fast that I though her head would fall off as Grace turned to look me in the eye “we'll take just the one horse” I continued “no need tiring out two when the both of us can simply ride on one. We won't be long anyway and it makes more sense for us to only take the one.”

Grace smiled and nodded as she reached into her boot “I only have one” she started as she passed me her knife, which I silently passed to Ellie.

“It's alright, nothing's going to happen anyway, we'll be back before you know it!”

Grace smiled as I took Ellie by the hand and led her to the horse, she helped me saddle him up and then as we mounted up Ellie turned to wave at her mother as I gave a brief nod of my head.

“So” I began trying to break the silence “Anyone that you're trying to get yourself all prettied up for Ellie?”

I heard her giggle behind me as she shuffled to gain a better balance on the horse.

“No” she stated quietly.

I laughed as I turned to see a slight blush crawling up her cheeks “you need not worry about me telling anyone Ellie, it can be our secret if you like?”

“It doesn't matter anyway” she whispered “he'll probably like my sister more. I mean, it's not like I'm the pretty one or anything.”

I sighed as I slowed the horse to a very slow trot, “now you listen here, your whole family has basically fallen from the good gene tree. You're all mighty fine lookin' and for you to insult your ma and pa like that by saying that they make pretty lookin' chilren 'cept yourself, I'm thinking your ma would be mighty cross with you round abouts now. You're plenty pretty Ellie.”

Ellie giggled as she nudged the horse to go quicker with her foot and sighed “well thank you very much Miss Sanders”.

I smiled “no need for formalities Miss Grange, you know by now that I'm Carly to you.”

And so the journey into town consisted of us talking about the town dance and the mystery boy that Ellie knew she could not mention to her brother without him getting the same treatment that Lily's gentleman friend was getting.

It wasn't until we actually got into the town that I noticed how quite and cold it had gotten, everything seemed rather eerie and even Ellie hushed behind me, her teeth chattering.

I dismounted the horse and led it using the reigns as Ellie remained firmly sat on it's back. I aimlessly wandered around looking for a suitable place to tie up the horse until I saw a shadow move quickly across the ground before me.

Ellie stiffened on the horse and I looked up to see who it was that blocked our path.

I wish that I hadn't.

“Well hello there dear sister of mine.”


Aleck was here?

“What is it that you want from me Aleck?” I tried to sound strong although I'm sure that he didn't miss my voice waver, the smirk on his face confirmed it.

“I wanted to catch up with you dear sister.” Aleck began to step closer to me as I struggled to think of a way to get Ellie out of this mess, out of my mess.

I looked down to my feet and calculated the distance between myself and Aleck, just a little closer and I would be able to do it.

5 more steps.

“Oh Carly, don't look so resigned.”

4 more steps.

“It's all going to work out for the best.”

3 more steps.

“If only we could have done this sooner though.”

2 more steps.

“And saved all this trouble of getting other people involved.”

Just 1 more step, come on!

“Now why don't you come here and give me a hug dear sister, I've missed you.”

Now! Without another warning I kicked my show against the ground sending the dust and grit into my brothers eye and as he yelled out in pain I quickly turned and smacked the horse across it's rump. “Go Ellie, get home and be safe!”

Ellie yelped in surprise and pushed forward on the horse to grab the reigns before galloping quickly into the direction of the house. I turned to see my brother still trying to rid his eyes of the grit that had managed to lodge itself in there. Taking this opportunity I ran in the direction of the Sheriff to get help.

As I did so, Aleck must have heard my retreating footsteps and yelled in frustration before yelling for a man named Everett.

I rushed to the Sheriff and smashed open the door shocking the man to his feet.

“Miss Sanders, what in the name of all that is holy...”

I quickly cut him off as I gasped for breath “Aleck”

“What?” The Sheriff seemed to edge towards me trying to pull me into a seat, clearly trying to calm me down.

“Aleck, he's here” I gasped.

The Sheriff quickly pulled out his gun and carefully pushed me into the direction of his office.

“Go back there and stay quiet Miss Sanders, and don't you worry because I'll make sure that I handle this.”

Before we could make any other move the door once again slammed open and a shot fired through the air. I screamed as the Sheriff groaned and slid down the wall quickly grasping his arm in a tight embrace.

“Won't have you shooting me Sheriff, especially when I have unfinished business. But just to be sure...” once again another shot rang out as Aleck shot the Sheriff in his other arm and I gasped at the brutality of the situation.

“Why are you doing this Aleck?” I cried, the tears finally making their way down my face.

“Oh, you'll find out soon enough dear sister.”

Interrupting the conversation, the man that my brother called before came into the room muttering to Aleck. An angry look crossed Aleck's face as he took his gun and swiftly shot the guy right between the eyes, giving the man a quick death.

“Why?” I whispered as Aleck stared at me, his cold and menacing eyes glared into mine as he slowly raised the gun to my face.

“Why not?” he laughed.

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