Chapter Sixteen: Training Carly

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Chapter 16 – Training Carly

“Get up Carly”

I felt Lily before I heard her as she woke me up, very early might I add, by jumping on me.

“Lily, it's like 5 in the morning, can you not even let me stay in bed for another hour or so? What's so important anyways?”

“You become a Grange today!”

Now that caused my eyes to shoot open as I looked at the girl before me, her eyes dancing with mischief and her lopsided grin plastered onto the side of her face.

“We're training you today, so to get through all of our lessons it means you need to start real early.”

“Lessons?” I squeaked

“That's right, Isaac's gonna teach you how to shoot, ma's teaching you hand to hand combat, I'm teachin' you defence, pa is gonna teach you the odd moves to attack, Nate's gonna teach you how to use a knife and Ellie and Mary-Lou are gonna work together to teach you the basics about aidin' someone with and injury like stitchin' an' such.”


“Because Isaac was moanin' that your brother was surely gonna be comin' here soon and he needed to be able to protect you, now my ma wasn't too happy about that. More the fact that she weren't happy that Isaac weren't givin' you a chance to defend yerself and he was too busy presumin' that you were too 'weak' to look after yerself. Ma's always been a sucker for provin' the males wrong about women bein' all weak an' such.”

I smiled as Lily rambled on, it definitely sounded like Grace.

“So I'll give you 10 minutes, and I'll be back up to direct you to Isaac's trainin' and then from there he'll take you to the next person and so forth. 'k?”

I nodded as I forced myself out of my warm bed, knowing that when I was going to be crawling back into it tonight I'd be really tired and no doubt aching all over.

Running a brush quickly through my hair, washing my face and throwing some clothes on, I decided to opt for some of Lily's trousers that she'd brought to me when I'd first arrived, and another one of Lily's tops. It fitted, quite snugly, but it still fitted. Rushing out the door before Lily could come back up and jump on me or something, I braided my hair behind my back and set off down the stairs to meet a smiling Lily who was stood waiting by the door.

“Let's go” I stated as she opened the door and I followed her out.

She walked me across the front garden and round near some trees before I heard scuttling about and presumed it was Isaac. I was right as I heard a curse before a loud thud and then a clatter.

Lily laughed as if she seemed to understand what had happened and as we turned the corner, there was Isaac under a heavy trunk, with several cans littered around him.

“Oh Lily, will you stop laughing around like a bloody hyena and come and help me already?”

“How'd you lift it on top of you if you need help now to get it off you?” Lily laughed as she made her way to her brother and I followed closely behind.

Together they lifted the trunk and placed it a little further away from where I was standing and then proceeded to line the cans up along the trunk.

I smirked knowing exactly what they were going to ask me to do, although maybe Grace was right, maybe people should presume anything. Obviously Isaac didn't know that I'd grown up with a very protective daddy who liked to take his daughter out as soon as she'd turned 12 to learn how to shoot.

I hadn't decided yet whether I would humour them or just shoot the damn gun as my daddy had taught me.

“Alright pretty darlin' pick yerself up that gun, although be carefulnow because it is quite heavy and you don't want to strain yerself.”

Oh, I think the boy had just made up my mind. Quickly picking up the gun I cocked it before placing it up to my eye and in quick succession I knocked every single tin can off the trunk, all whilst Isaac still stood in front of the fire zone. Masterfully done I told myself as I unloaded the remaining bullets before I disarmed the gun and let it fall to my side.

“Oh Isaac, you sure found a good'un here!” Lily smirked as her brother stood dumbfounded.

“I think I can move onto my next lesson now Lily?” I questioned, tiliting my head ever so slightly as Lily laughed and pulled me away from her brother.

Turning before Lily pulled me completely out of his slight I blew him a kiss “Oh and Isaac, pick yourself up that gun, although be careful now because it is quite heavy and you don't want to strain yourself!” I yelled before allowing Lily to tear me away.

“You're awesome” Lily chuckled as she pulled me towards my next lesson and so the day properly began.

As the evening came to a close I crawled into the bed thinking of the lessons that I'd had today, the most useful had been Grace without a doubt. Showing me how to use my size and weight to my advantage, especially when the opponent was bigger and wasn't expecting to be fighting a woman.

Nate had surprised me most as he taught me how to wield the knife without any mention to the events that had happened with his brother, I knew I'd have to talk to him about it at some point, but at that moment I was quite happy to laugh and joke with him as he taught me basic movements when using the knife.

I groaned as I turned in bed feeling every one of my limbs pulsating. Damn outlaws and their lessons.  

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