Chapter Two: Finding those who wish to be found

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Chapter Two – Finding those who wish to be found

Isaac had done what he had always done. When threatening to have good ‘ole Thomas thrown off the land, he had to make sure that the lad followed through to leave, and didn’t find a way to hide behind the trees, and the only way he could do that would be to make sure that the lad was escorted off of the property.

Of course, he couldn’t do that himself, because if he did, then he’d have to make sure that he wasn’t seen leaving his room, and what was the best way to do that? Why, it would be not to leave his room at all!

Instead, all he had to do was hold up the binoculars to his eyes and peep through them, keeping his eyes fixed on the swine that was dating his sister, by doing that he didn’t have to move a muscle but he still knew what was going on about the house.

Isaac couldn’t be around forever, and he had to make sure that the lads round here knew they’re place. They wouldn’t come sniffing about his sister’s if he had anything to say about it.

As Isaac stared across the land he called home, he spotted a swaying blob in the distance, just slightly out of the land boundaries, but in reach of the house. Isaac had learnt from his parents to always be wary of strangers, especially those approaching you. His ma’ had definitely had a few stories to tell about the consequences of trusting a stranger.

So as he saw the blob come closer, and reveal the outline figure of a person Isaac’s guard instantly went up and the alarm bells began to ring in his head. As he made a move to the gun that rested on the dresser by the window, he pulled it to his eye and focused on the stranger. Yet as his finger itched to pull the trigger, the figure fell into the ground and that’s when Isaac knew something was wrong.

Isaac attached the gun to his back, grabbed his hat and bounded down the stairs, skipping a few in the process before skidding to a halt at the bottom.

“Pa!” Isaac yelled running towards the door, without stopping he continued his speech feeling his father’s presence behind him “stranger out front, north, looks like somethin’s wrong with the fella’. Looked kinda’ weary and such. I’m gonna’ go and take a look.”

Isaac heard Liam sigh as he raced towards his mother’s horse, there was no time to spare and ole’ Bessie wasn’t as such a quick start that she used to be. As Isaac mounted Muck and sped off towards the stranger, he got closer to the figure and noticed the gender.

This wasn’t just some drunken buffoon from the saloon, or some run down beggar from the town over, this was a woman and she looked pretty much worse for wear.

The next thing that caught Isaac’s eye was that the pretty lady wasn’t breathing. Skidding to a halt and jumping of Muck, he ran to the woman’s side as he knelt down and put his ear to the woman’s mouth and nose to listen for any breath.

There was none.

As Isaac turned the woman over, he noticed her sun burnt skin and chapped lips, as well as her dirty blonde hair that fell in ringlets down her body. Her lips were pale in comparison to her burnt face, and Isaac felt an instant connection to the woman. He didn’t know which was worse, the fact that he might have been too late, or that ever moment he went to touch her he felt like his skin was on fire.

Quickly, Isaac made the decision to yell to the main house as he hit Muck’s behind and sent the horse flying towards the house as a warning. He remained close to the girl’s side as he beat into her chest trying to get her back to the land of the living.

As he bent down to breathe for her, the woman took in a gush of air and opened her eyes to reveal hazel eyes staring with curiosity back at Isaac.

“Ma’am, you look awful lost. Are you alright?” Isaac asked putting his hand behind the woman’s back to try and help her to sit upright.

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