Chapter Twenty: The Consequences Of Making Her Safe

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Chapter 20: The consequences of making her safe

Aleck held the gun to my face and I was in absolute shock, how could they have all kept this a secret from me? I had never felt so alone. I didn't want this. I didn't want to be alone. I didn't want my brother feeling like he has to kill me for some inheritance money that I didn't even want in the first place. But it was happening and there was nothing I could do about it.

It wasn't until Aleck cocked the gun ready to shoot that I was really aware that he could do this. Even when he'd murdered our parents, some part of me tried to make an excuse for him into thinking it was a mistake or that he was framed for their murder. I was wrong. My Aleck was a cold blooded killer. And all for money.

He had finished his story and was getting ready to end it all, and that is when Isaac stepped out from the shadows. I couldn't believe it. What was the idiot doing? What was he playing at? He was putting himself in danger!

Aleck turned as Isaac made a comment but I quickly tried to divert his attention.

“Please don't do this Aleck. I'm your sister!” Every fibre in my being went against pleading for my life, but if I had to do it to save Isaac then it was something I was more than willing to do.

Aleck was too caught up with trying to answer me rather than giving attention to Isaac. I caught Isaac smirking behind him as he realised what I was trying to do.

“Don't plead for your life Carly it's not becoming. And nothing that you say right now is going to change my mind. This is the way that it's got to be. Even if you did sign over all the money – you know now that I killed our parents and I can't have you go running to the authorities after this to get me thrown away into jail.”

“I wouldn't do that Aleck” I stated “I'd let you have the money, all the inheritance and I'd leave you alone. I would so much as say a peep about our parents. I'd stick to your story. I promise. When have I ever lied to you Aleck?”

Aleck seemed to become indecisive at that moment as he looked at me in the eyes and Isaac made his way closer to Aleck.

“You promise?” He asked lowering the gun a little.

This was my chance. This was a chance to make sure that everyone got out of this safely.

“I promise Aleck. You can even say that I'm dead and we could get a fake report from the doc up here so that you could claim the inheritance. I wouldn't get in your way. I just don't want anyone else to get hurt Aleck. You included.”

“You do realise that if you were to cross me that I'd be back and I'd kill you?” Aleck stated, he raised the gun once more.

“I know Aleck and I wouldn't risk that would I? You don't really want to shoot me do you? You know me Aleck. I'm your little sister. I would never do anything to hurt you. You've always looked out for me, made sure that I was safe and kept me out of harms way. Why would you want to kill me now?”

Aleck lowered his gun completely as I slowly let out a sigh of relief.

“I want all of the inheritance Carly, and I don't want any nonsense. I want no one else involved and then I won't hurt you. Got it?”

I nodded and gave my brother a small smile “no one else will get involved and you'll be perfectly safe.”

With that, the room went quiet. But I knew that I had spoken too soon. Just as it seemed like everything could sort itself out the sound of many horse hooves pounding through the town filtered through the open windows from the street outside.

“We'll just have to kill Carly's brother” a voice rang through the room through the window as others seemed to mutter agreement.

“I thought you promised!” Aleck roared as he swiftly lifted the gun once more.

I raised my hands in surrender “I didn't know Aleck I swear! I don't know who they are. I promise!”

“Your promises mean nothing Carly! You wanted them to kill me and I was stupid enough to actually trust you. You're just like our parents. And trust me, I will not be making the same mistake again!” Aleck yelled as he once again cocked the gun and aimed for the space between my eyes.

But Isaac ran towards him now at full pelt and knocked into his side as the gun whipped across the room and fell on the floor sliding along until it hit the wall.

“Run Carly” Isaac screamed as he and my brother wrestled on the ground.

I knew I wasn't going to be much help and I knew that I needed to do something to help Isaac. The voices outside! Without any thought I ran from the building to where I knew Isaac's friends would be. Or rather I'm presuming that they were Isaac's friends as they knew about my situation.

I ran out into the street to see Isaac's friends and I smiled as I ran into their view.

“You need to help Isaac” I cried out.

That's when I heard the gun shot.

A/N: I was going to stop it there... But then I decided that that was too mean... So enjoy from another perspective ;)

I knew I had to stop Aleck from hurting Carly so I didn't think twice before I lunged at him and knocked the gun from his hand. Telling Carly to run I noticed how she fled from the room and smiled as I focused on the fight between myself and her brother. I knew she was now safe, especially considering the lads were outside. They'd definitely keep her safe.

I punched and kicked Aleck as he did the same to me, neither one of us seemed to be getting the upper hand and I heard Carly from outside yell out for the boys to help me. That was when Aleck smacked my head into the wall and I loosened my grip on him. He stood and whisked out his hand to grasp the gun before he stood before the window, smirked at me and shot.

I wasted no time in whipping out my own gun from the waistband of my jeans and shooting him. Landing my mark I knew he was dead straight away. A shot to the heart was no fix. He was not going to be waking up ever again. I scrambled towards the window as I looked out and frowned.

I couldn't find anyone injured.

That was until I heard Prior yell out in shock and dash forward to catch Carly as she fell.

Her bastard brother had shot her!

I raced outside and tore her away from Prior as I knelt down on the ground and examined her wound. It was a gun shot to the back, yet I didn't know how much damage had been done. Only the doc could figure that out.

I lifted her up and made my way to the docs as my friends followed.

“Rupert, I need ya to go home and let my family know what's happened” I stated as I continued to walk. Rupert grunted in response before mounting his horse and riding to my home as I continued to talk to Guy and Prior. The Sheriff is still inside and he was shot in both arms. You'll need to get him to the doc too, and I'm sure Aleck Sanders is dead, but Prior – I want you to put and extra bullet in him for me, for Bill and for Carly.”

Prior nodded and he and Guy walked back into the building as Carly groaned in my arms.

“It'll be ok” I soothed as I shifted my hold on her, making sure I avoided her wound.

I rushed to the doc and walked straight in as he stood quickly, seeing the blood, and began to direct his staff to help with Carly. They took her from me and laid her on a table as she moaned at the pain and the staff scrambled trying to stop the blood.

“I need you to step back son” the doc ordered as I stood my ground “I can't treat her if you don't move” the doc continued.

I sighed and waited outside as I thought of how careless I was. I couldn't lose her. And for the first time in a long time I prayed to whoever was listening. Please don't take her from me. I love Carly Sanders and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Please, please don't let her die.

Now I had to wait.

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