Chapter Fourteen: Bill Lucksworth

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A/N: This is the last of all of these uploads - should keep you going for a while though hopefully! Considering that's 7 chapters all in one go! Anyway, I hope you Enjoy! 

Chapter 14 – Bill Lucksworth

Fred had organised the burial of Isaac's close friend and although I'd tried to talk to him over the past couple of days I'd realised that all he needed me to do was be there for him, even if that meant to just hold him. He'd pulled me close a couple of times over the past couple of days for no apparent reason to anyone around, although I knew why and I didn't complain. It was nice to know that he was safe. And right now, I was helping him tie his tie for the funeral of his friend.

“I won't tie it tight” I whispered

“I appreciate this” Isaac stated as I looked up into his eyes.

“You don't need to thank me” I replied continuing to tie the knot in his tie.

“I need you today more than ever Carly.”

“I'm here for you” I finished with his tie and wrapped my arms firmly around him “I'm not going anywhere, I'm not leaving your side. I'm here for you.”

“Thank you” he breathed out a sigh and pulled me from the room before going outside.

We joined the rest of the Grange family and walked a little while before getting to where the burial was taking place.

“I think that's everyone” Fred stated as he moved to begin before a female voice shouted out.

“Wait” followed by a sob “please wait, I need to be there when you bury my husband. Graham back at the camp told me that you were burying him here.”

The tall, brunette woman with big doe like brown eyes, filled with tears, slowly walked up towards Fred as she held a little girl on her hip and clutched a little boys hand as another little boy followed.

“Your husband?” Fred spluttered

“He didn't tell you did he?” The woman smiled slightly “he said he only wanted to protect us and that only one person knew at your place because he accidentally found out. When he didn't come home I raced to the camp and the man that knew about us, Graham told me you'd be here.”

“He never said a thing” Isaac whispered as he looked on at the little family, “I too their husband and father away” he whispered painfully.

“It wasn't you” I whispered back, gripping his hand tightly.

“You're his wife?”Fred asked again dumbfounded

The woman nodded “My name is Lucy Lucksworth and these are our children, Billy who's our oldest at 6, Junior who's 3 and Anna-Pearl who's 11 months this coming month.” The woman's breath hitched “And I was hoping to surprise him when he got back by announcing that I was with child again. But now..” Lucy broke down into tears as Billy took his sister carefully from his mothers hip and she covered her face with her hands.

Not being able to withstand this woman's cries I momentarily broke my promise to Isaac and left his side as I made my way to wife of the man that had saved my Isaac.

Wrapping my arms around her, she returned the gesture as she sobbed into my chest and almost collapsed with her grief.

I nodded towards Fred who began the burial and got to the part where he was gently lowered into the dug out grave. Lucy patted my shoulder as she knelt down to her children and I made my way back to Isaac, who quickly grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Mummy, where's pappa gone?” Billy asked whilst still trying to hold his sister upright.

“He's had to gone away for a little while Billy, but we'll all get to see him again one day.”

“You promise?” The little boy asked as he held up his pinky finger before his mother gently twisted her own little finger around her son's.

“I pinky promise Billy.”

“We'll support you by all means” Fred interrupted as Lucy got back to her feet “Bill was a part of our family which makes you very much a part of our family too, we're more than happy to support you for as long as you need us.”

Lucy nodded as she hugged Fred “I've heard about you all” Lucy smiled “he spoke very highly of you all, and the only reason why he never told you all of us is because I asked him not to. I didn't want my children growing up forced into that way of life although by all means I don't think it wrong, I just wanted them to have the choice growing up, not feel like it was the only path for them. So he promised. I wish, somehow I hadn't made him promise though. That way it may have been a little easier, his passing.”

“You're never going to be alone” Isaac said “I can promise you that.”

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

“Thank you” Lucy smiled as she handed her address to Fred written on a piece of cloth and walked away with her children in tow.

One by one, everyone left until Just Isaac and I was left at Bill's grave.

Isaac walked towards the ground that held his friend and knelt down lightly pressing his hand into the dirt.

“I'll miss you Bill” he cried before slowly getting up and coming back to my side, gradually he pulled on my arm and directed us back home.

Thank you Bill Lucksworth, I sent up as a silent prayer. Thank you so very much for keeping my Isaac safe. 

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