Chapter Five: Making Bonds

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Authors Note: Second upload in the space of a couple of hours and I'm shattered. So I don't think there'll be another upload for a bit. But I won't leave the story hanging for long. I hope you enjoy. And once again, the story isn't yet edited so please excuse any mistypes or spellings. On with the chapter...

Chapter Five: Making Bonds

As Isaac awoke the next morning he found the usual voices drifting through his partially open door from downstairs. What was unfamiliar was the laugh that echoed throughout the house, he shook himself to remember that Carly was now in the house and that things were going to be changing, no matter how much he was unwilling for them to.

Isaac decided that it would be best for him to clear his head and to take a trip into the town, he knew that he needed to get some supplies anyway and decided that it would be best if he took some time away from the house to think about everything that was going on.

He gradually got up out of bed and went about getting changed before going downstairs to face his family. He came across them all sitting around the table waiting for breakfast and smiled at the sight of everyone getting on. Quickly sitting in his seat, he poured himself some water from the jug before waiting for the food to be placed on the table.

“Any plans for today son?” Liam asked pulling Isaac away from his thoughts.

“I thought I’d take a trip into the town today, might be gone the whole day and I decided that we needed some more supplies. I was also gonna’ fix the fence in the south pasture, it’s getting sort of old and thought that it was time that we fixed it up.”

Liam smiled before the look of enjoyment crossed across his eyes “maybe you could take Carly with you, she was mentioning earlier how she needed to talk to the Sheriff anyway about some things back home, so she might as well come with you. That way you can be back earlier and have more time to fix the fence, means you won’t stop off at the bar before you come home.”

Liam smirked as Isaac glared at his father. This was not what he had planned and he didn’t know how to respond. He couldn’t exactly decline the offer now that his father had so publicly announced that Carly should go with him, and he hadn’t failed to notice that the whole table had gone silent and all eyes were on him as they all waited for his answer.

He sighed in frustration, “I’m leaving after breakfast, and do you know how to ride a horse Carly?”

Carly’s eyes widened in surprise before she recovered from the moment of shock and replied “yes I do, I haven’t for a while, but I’m sure I’ll be able to keep up.”

Isaac nodded before everyone diverted their attention to the food before them and submerged themselves into their own conversations. He was not looking forward to the time that he was going to have to spend with Carly and it put him off his meal entirely. Taking a few more bites from his breakfast and draining the last of his water from his glass he excused himself from the table and told Carly to meet him out front as he placed his plate and glass on the side.

He needed to get his act together; he couldn’t be acting like a stupid loved up teenager in front of his family and Carly. He needed to get his head together, which had planned to do on this trip to town, but now that would have to wait and he would have to think of a way to cope.

Saved By The Outlawsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें