Chapter Nine: Talk about it

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Chapter 9 – Talk about it.

It had been about a week since I'd been shot and I was finally managing to get up by myself and walk around. Earlier this morning I'd heard Lily talking to Carly about talking to ma and I knew I had to be there for when it happened, just to make sure the two of them didn't gang up on her. I smiled as I thought of the word that Carly had used to describe me and my friends. As I hobbled down the stairs I heard the hushed voices of Lily and Carly. Lily was trying to convince Carly to go in to talk to ma, but when she wouldn't I heard a door being opened and the sound of feet being dragged across the floor.

That was Lily for you.

I carefully manoeuvred myself round the corner and sat myself down outside the room waiting for the conversation to start inside.

“What is this Lily? Why did you bring her to me today of all days? I still don't know quite what I want to do with her!” my ma began as Lily cut her off.

“Ma that's unfair and you know it, you can't blame her. Ellie spoke to me last night and made me realise how hypocritical we're being. Don't you see? Our family has always been one to rush into things without thinking and Carly did just that! So you shouldn't judge her on that alone. And don't try to interrupt ma by saying that us rushing into something hasn't caused any of us to get hurt because it has, you should know that better than all of us.”

I silently cheered on my sister as she told our ma some home truths.

“Lily Allison Grange” Lily groaned at the use of her full name “don't you talk to me like that, whatever happens in a family, stays within a family but when a stranger threatens one of our own..”

“She didn't threaten him ma! She was acting to save one of our own! She went to save Nate, she didn't know he was doing a stupid trick and it's not her fault my dumb oaf of a brother dived in the way!”

Things were getting heated and I could tell it wouldn't be long before things would be said that couldn't be taken back. Just as I was beginning to get up to stop the pair from arguing I heard a sweet voice stop them mid argument.

“Please don't argue over me, Mrs Grange, Lily is right. I didn't intend for anyone to get hurt, I am deeply indebted to your family for everything that you have done for me and I never meant any of them any harm whatsoever. I can't tell you the reasons why I followed them that night, but I can tell you that it has come to be one of the worst decisions that I have ever made. For that I really am sorry. As Lily said before, my intentions weren't to hurt Isaac at all Mrs Grange, they were to try and help Nate. I really did think he wast hurt, or was going to become hurt and so I tried to help him. Obviously being naïve to all this, I didn't realise he'd planned it out and that by interrupting I caused more harm than good. I really am sorry. Isaac getting shot was never, and would never be, my intention. I would never want any harm to ever come to Isaac, or any of your family.”

As she said those words I found my heart swell. She said them with so much passion, and the way that she said my name, as if she had a connection to me, as if she felt something for me. Damnation, I was seriously falling for this girl. I held my head in my hands as my ma seemed to mumble an apology and the sound of sniffling filled the room. The fight between two of my family members had been averted and Carly was forgiven which caused a smile to fill my face.

Foot steps sounded down the hallway, which caused to to leap up despite my shot wound and lean casually against the wall. Only to find my pa with a grin on his face and tilting his head as a motion to follow him.

We entered the spare room and sat opposite each other and my pa grinned.

“What is it pa?”

“You know full well what it is. You definitely have feelings for Carly Sanders, and I want you to know the effects that that has.”


“Isaac” my pa sighed “do you want a relationship with this woman?”

The question stopped me in my tracks. Did I? I mean sure I had feelings for Miss Carly Sanders but did I want to give up everything I dreamed of to be tied down to one lass. Yet the more and more I thought about it, I realised I couldn't imagine a future without her. I couldn't imagine her with another man, or without a ring on her finger with my name. Her stomach swelling with my children. I couldn't picture anything else. As for the idea of being an outlaw, my ma and pa and cousins all managed it fine with a family, so why couldn't I? I just never thought of it that way before, never thought that I'd find someone that I wanted to be tied down to this early on in my life.


“Yeah pa, I think I do. I mean, I can't imagine not having her by my side.”

My pa sighed “I thought so. So you know what you need to do to make that a reality then don't you son?”

The meaning of my pa's words finally hit a chord “I have to find her brother, or find out what he wants her for don't I?”

“Bingo my boy!”

“I guess the boys will help me out, I can set off now and be back by the end of the week if not earlier.”

I shot to my feet as my pa matched my stance and clasped me on the shoulder. “Prior, Bill, Guy and Rupert? You can trust them, so don't take anyone else from the group. You've grown up with them and know that they have your back, you'll need that trust for this mission son.”

I nodded as I hugged my pa before heading out the door. Pausing I turned to meet his eyes “I'll be back so make sure you tell them all I said bye, and make sure you look out for my girl pa!”

My pa smiled and laughed “Oh don't you worry son, she'll be just fine here, now go find Fred and fill him in, I'm sure they were heading back today anyway.”

I nodded as I left to go and find out who was hunting my girl, and why.

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