Chapter Twenty-one: Protecting Our Own

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A/N: It's getting towards the end now, and although these last chapters are quite short it's rounding off the story, so I hope you enjoy. 

Chapter 21: Protecting our own

I stood out on the porch as Liam and Nate got ready to leave, they'd taken a little longer to sort themselves out as they had to ensure that they had everything they needed. But it wasn't necessary, as I saw a horse in the distance and I yelled for Liam to join me on the porch.

As the horse got closer and Liam joined me, I recognised the rider as Rupert and he didn't look happy.

“What's goin' on Rupert?” I asked as he dismounted the horse. “Is someone hurt? Please tell me Isaac is ok. Please tell me he didn't get hurt.” I ranted.

“Isaac is completely unharmed Mrs Grange and all of us lot are fine. The Sheriff was shot in both arms but we think he's going to be fine and Aleck, Miss Sanders brother is dead.”

“Then why do you look so pale and shocked?”

I went to ask another question as he remained silent but Liam beat me to it. “You never mentioned Carly Rupert. Is she ok?”

I snapped my head round to look at my husband and suddenly felt ashamed. The woman had saved my daughters life this morning and had become almost a part of our family and I'd failed to notice how Rupert had left her out of his update.

“Carly was shot but her brother Mr Grange. I don't know if she's ok or not 'cause Isaac asked me to ride here straight away to tell y'all.”

“Shot?” I was shocked “where?”

“In the back” Rupert replied “there was a lot of blood and she looked like she had lost consciousness when I was leaving but I know that Isaac was takin' her to the doc and he was real quick to get her there.”

“We need to go and be there for her” I told Liam as I held onto his hand tightly, my heart twisted in pain as I thought of the woman who had managed to capture my own son's heart and the woman who had managed to make her way into our lives. The same woman who was possibly going to die on this very day.

“Lily” Liam called out as our daughter emerged from the house “I want you to look out for the others, me and your ma have got to go to town but we'll be back soon. That ok with you?”

Lily nodded as she walked back inside and Liam and I faced each other, silently communicating with our eyes before I slightly nodded.

“Rupert, can you stay to watch out for the kids?” Liam questioned as I made my way to his horse to adjust the saddle.

Rupert nodded his head as he handed over the reigns to Liam and he walked to the steps of the porch and sat down.

“You can go inside Rupert and get yerself something to eat or drink” I smiled and he nodded before going inside.

“Lets go” Liam tugged at my arm as we mounted the horse and rode into town.

We got there quite quickly as Liam tied up the horse next to Isaac's and we rushed into where the doc was.

There was Isaac sat in the chair outside of one of the rooms with his head in his hands. It reminded me of how his father had waited me when I had been shot in a fight all those years ago. Carly had a strong and feisty spirit and like me, she'd fight.

We made our way over and Isaac looked up at me before pulling me into a hug, I help onto him tightly as I glanced up at Liam to see the helpless look on his face. I nodded towards the room where no doubt Carly was being kept and he knew what I was asking for him to do. He silently made his way into the room to ask for answers on how she was doing.

“She'll be ok Isaac, you'll see” I comforted my eldest son thinking of how life goes in a full circle.

“If I had just managed to shoot him earlier” he blamed himself “I can't believe I forgot about my own gun until it was too late!”

“You can't blame yourself Isaac” I reasoned “it wasn't your fault, and I'm sure Carly sees it the same way that I do.”

“I won't know what Carly thinks if she doesn't wake up” Isaac muttered and I slapped him sharply round the head.

“Don't speak that way. She's made of stronger stuff and you have to give her credit Isaac!” I told him just as the door to Carly's room was opened.

We both turned out heads as Liam walked out with a smile on his face and said “she's awake!”

Isaac wasted no time in rushing in as Liam and I followed holding each others hands tightly.

“The doc said that it wasn't a bad wound and that she was very lucky. It was the blood loss that had made her faint and she'll be weak for a while but absolutely fine.”

I nodded my head as we entered the room and saw her sat up in her bed and holding Isaac's hand.

“Hi Grace” Carly smiled “And Liam” she nodded her head as the room went quiet before she continued “I am so sorry about all the trouble that I have caused and I promise that now that all this is over I'll go home and be out of your way. And of course I'll be able to help repay you the money you spent on me now that I now about the inheritance.”

“You're not going anywhere” Isaac growled as I laughed at the two who reminded me so much of myself and Isaac.

“I can't stay here” Carly whispered.

“Why not?” I pondered as her cheeks tinged pink.

“I can't impose any more now that I've caused this trouble, I didn't think you'd want me around.”

Isaac went to protest before I interrupted, “you won't be going anywhere Carly as long as you want to stay, and we're not idiots, we all know that something is going on between you and Isaac and as far as we're concerned you're part of our family and we protect our own.”

Carly smiled at me as she continued to blush “thank you very much” she quietly said as Isaac gripped onto her hand tighter and gave her a bright smile.

“I think that's our cue to leave” Liam chuckled as I nodded my head in agreement and as we left the room I turned back one last time and though of how perfect Carly was and how I could absolutely see her taking on the Grange name.

She was one of us now.  

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