Chapter Twelve: Brawl

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Chapter 12 – Brawl

Straight off my knife was out as I stood in a defensive position, awaiting Christof to attack. The lads stood behind me as Bill took his stance beside me before nodding to take the lead in the attack.

“Nice try before boy” Christof taunted “but you'll have to try harder than that.”

I growled before flinging myself at him and ducking at the last second as he slammed out his fist with the intent to hit me in the face, at the same time I slashed my knife into his calf as he groaned in pain. A smile of triumph made its way onto my face, but I didn't let my guard down.

Christof quickly kicked out his leg, more as a reflex action, and caught me in the jaw before I fell and rolled to the side. Now our fight was being noticed and the lads behind me, other than Bill were fighting to keep the locals under control with promises that nothing would get out of hand.

Once again, I found myself propelling myself towards Christof feigning right and instead going left, but he seemed to anticipate the move and he too went to the left slamming his fist into my face and knocking to to the floor, before placing his foot on my chest and whipping his gun from his waistband.

“Cheat” Bill hissed as he pushed Christof from my body and wrestled him to the ground, I quickly sprung to my feet as I ran towards my friend who was fighting the man on the floor, the man who still firmly held a gun in his hand. As I got to them a shot was fired and both men were still. The shot echoed through the pub and there was a moan of pain.

A moan of pain from a person that I recognised.

I tore Christof from my friend, kicked the gun to the other side of the bar and pummelled him with punches and kicks to his body before he managed to crawl towards the door. Forgetting about the man before me I ran back to my friend.

The friend that now had a bullet wound in the middle of his chest.

Quickly placing my hands over his chest to try and stop the blood flow I heard his chuckle as he reached to put his hands over mine.

“I'm going to die Isaac, not even stopping the blood will keep me alive.”

“Don't talk that way” I snarled at Bill as the rest of our friends joined us at Bill's side.

“'tis true, no point in delaying the” he took a gasp of air “the inevitable” he was becoming pale as his lips were taking on the faint trace of blue and his eyes were shuttering to a close.

“Don't leave me Bill, please, you're not allowed to die ya'hear.”

Bill laughed again as he tapped my hand “I ain't no Grange, I can't survive bullets like y'all do. But make sure” he took another gasp of air again “make sure you look out for you girl. Keep her close. Y'all are my family and I love you guys” Bill took another breath before slowly releasing it and with that his hands dropped to his side and his heart beneath my hands ceased to beat.

“No, no, no!” I yelled hitting his chest “Bill, you can't die. You can't die by saving me you idiot. You shouldn't have got involved.” I continued hitting his chest as he laid there limp “you idiot, you stupid idiot.”

Prior gently closed Bill's eyes as Guy pulled me away from him. Amidst the chaos Christof had managed to crawl off stopping any plans for revenge.

“What're we gonna do?” Rupert asked.

“We'll take him home” I replied “We'll give him a proper burial at home.”

Between Prior and I, we managed to lift our friends body and carry him out to the horses as Guy placed money on the bar side as payment for the trouble caused.

We all made our way out of the bar as Hannah saw us and gasped before covering her mouth.

“Is he?”

Guy nodded as he pulled her close and held her as she cried.

Prior and I lifted Bill to my horse as I strapped him on tight, still wanting to make him comfortable, even though it didn't really matter.

With us all mounted and Bill's horse tied to Prior's, we started off back home and I vowed to protect Carly, but most of all get revenge for my friends death.

Although all of us had walked into that bar, only 4 of us walked out, and I'd never forget the debt I owed to Bill for giving up his life to save mine.

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