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Shots rang out all over the place as outlaws raced across the foreign camp to receive the bounty that they had been promised would be there. They never stole from the poor, or those who could not defend themselves, but if you came into their land, their territory at this time of night and you had more than enough riches to share out then in the opinion of these outlaws it was fair game.

One man raced through the camp as if under pressure to get the raid completed quickly, and he laughed to himself as he hoisted the bounty onto his horse and let out shots from his gun into the air.

“Let's go lads!” The man called out “I'll be late for my own wedding at this rate!”

A younger man behind him laughed “Carly won't be pleased with you Isaac if you're late for your own wedding. She'll thin you've jilted her and then she'll come looking for you blazing mad with ma, Fells, and our sisters hot on her tail!”

“That is not even worth thinking about Nate” Isaac replied as he led the group of outlaws home.

He raced through the land as he reached the town with the small church and he jumped off his horse and pelted into the church with the men laughing behind him.

His pa smiled as he handed the smart clothes to his son and helped him wash the gun powder off his face.

“Just on time” Nate smirked as he strolled into the room and changed himself into his Sunday best before joining his pa and his brother at the altar.

Just as the music started Isaac though back to the day 2 years ago when he first saw the girl sprawled out on the ground close to death and he thanked his lucky stars that he'd been the one to find her that day.

The doors opened and a stunning bride floated down the aisle with a proud Prior holding onto the brides arm. The bride was followed by the youngest of Isaac's sisters, Mary-Louise, carrying the prettiest little baby girl in her arms as she smiled at her sisters with their boyfriends in the front row. Isaac held his breath as the bride stopped before him and he lifted the veil to reveal his beautiful Carly. She gave him a bright smile as the wedding began and the couple lovingly became man and wife.

Friends and family exited the church following behind the happy couple as they walked to the town hall to celebrate the marriage. Isaac and Carly stepped up to take their first dance as the band, consisting of Nate, Guy, Prior and Rupert, began to play. Halfway through they were interrupted by Mary-Louise who came over and held out the baby girl. The little girl squealed in delight as Isaac swung her around with his wife and the three of them danced.

“To think in the end running from my brother gave me a family, a husband and a beautiful daughter” Carly laughed as her husband kissed both his wife and his daughter on the cheek and held them close.

“You, me and Annabel” Isaac grinned “And of course our new addition” he placed his hand on his wife's stomach as their daughter cooed and giggled in his arms.

“Fancy that, I was Saved by the outlaws” Carly laughed.

“And we'd do it again” Isaac replied.

A/N: Sadly that's the end of the Grange series! I was planning on doing one more on the view of Liam's father Granger Grange before Liam was born, but I'm not going to start something new at the moment. I couldn't leave this book unfinished before I started my final A-levels which is why it is no complete. But once my exams are over I'm sure I'll look into writing some more. Thank you to everyone who has not only followed this book but also the previous book. To everyone that has voted, commented and fanned thank you all. It really means a lot. Happy reading!

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