Chapter Eleven: Bar Antics

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Chapter 11 – Bar antics

“Ready for another stop Isaac?” Prior yelled from up front. “Guy said he wants to stop in this place to see his girl, apparently she's visiting her parents here for her heads on back home!”

“Sure” I nodded to my friends who had joined me on this trip. “I swear this is the bar that this Everett person told us to meet him in anyway.”

We all stopped close to the bar and tied up the horses before heading on inside. The bar was located in a little town a days ride away from home. We'd stopped in 2 before this one and somehow managed to caught wind of a name that claimed to know details on the Sanders family. A man name Everett who through contacts had agreed to meet us at a bar in this town. Only problem was that this town had 3 bars and the idiot hadn't specified which one.

Guy was quick to enter the bar first to meet up with his sweetheart Hannah. Hannah knew everything about his life and still planned on marrying him. She hadn't asked Guy to leave the life he was living, only wished to be a part of it. That's what I hoped Carly would agree to when I got home.

Billy, Prior, Rupert and I followed Guy as he almost bounded into the bar and all but ran up to Hannah before the were holding each other in their arms.

Passing by a tall, dark, mysterious looking man the rest of us nod at each other as a sign to be careful of this place. Walking up to the pub landlord Bill was the first to ask him if there was someone under the name of Everett here. The man behind the bar laughed and pointed to a weasel looking man in the corner of the room sipping gingerly on a beer whilst holding a cigar in his other hand.

Carefully making our way towards the man whilst taking in our surroundings we made our way over to the booth that he was situated in.

“Mr Everett?” I questioned the man before us as his eyes snapped towards ours.

“Depends who's asking” the man replied defensively.

“We mean no trouble sir” Prior interrupted “my friend's just been looking for information of the Sanders family is all and was told that you were the person to come to for that information.”

The man seemed to visibly relax and gestured for us all to take a seat “should've said so to begin with” he muttered before addressing us directly.

“So what sort of information can I help you with?”

“The death of Ned and Ruth Sanders and the reasons, also the whereabouts of Aleck Sanders would help in known.” I asked as the man put his glass down and became more business like.

“Ned and Ruth Sanders are said to have been killed by their son Aleck Sanders – although as to why and where is whereabouts is, they are both unknown. There is speculation though, apparently days before they were killed the couple change the details in their will. What they changed to details to is unknown also, but it is said that their daughter Carly Sanders witnessed the murder of her parents, poor soul, and ran from the scene. I can't tell you any more than that I'm afraid. The whereabouts of Miss Sanders, if you wanted to know it is said to be about a days ride away from here, she's meant to be staying with some people out there but I can't tell you for sure who – although apparently it is meant to be a local town so that wouldn't be too hard to find out that information.”

“No need” I interrupted “for that information, she's staying with me. I just need to know about her brother and the reasoning behind her parents death that was all.”

“Oh, well then I'm sorry I couldn't have been more help. Anyway, if that's all for now then I suppose I'll be on my way. My wife is under the impression that I am out searching for a job and if I'm not home before dark she becomes suspicious of me being out. Not that her suspicions aren't justified o'course” the man gave a throaty laugh before squeezing his portly stomach out from the small booth and hobbling towards the exit.

“Dang it!” Rupert cursed “No other information that we didn't know in the first place.”

“Other than the change in the details of the will” Prior stated “I bet their death has something to do with that. Maybe Aleck threatened his parents to change to will and when they did he killed them, and because Carly saw him do it, he means to kill her so that she's not a witness to it.”

“Could be” I said thinking carefully about the information that Everett had given us “although I am worried about how he knew where Carly was, but not her brother.”

“That could be a problem” Rupert claimed “want me to go and find him and cut out his tongue or something so that he can't tell anyone else?”

I laughed “what and cut off his hands too so that he can't write it out? No, us lot can handle the fort at home, just a shame that we couldn't get any more information on Aleck's whereabouts.”

Just as I finished talking, the tall man sat at the bar began to make his way over to us and stopped just a few metres away from the booth.

“You're being awful loud” he stated

“Sorry” Rupert stated with a huge lack of sincerity “if you wanted quiet you should've stayed at home grandpa.”

“Oh, that's not at all what I meant” the man grinned

“Really?” Rupert huffed “then what exactly is your point old man?”

“I merely meant to come and tell you that I'd like to thank you for altering me of the whereabouts of Miss Carly Sanders.”

Immediately I stood up and was followed by the scraping of chairs as Prior, Rupert and Bill followed my lead. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Guy pushing Hannah out of the door towards safety before heading over to us.

“Now why would you take an interest in our Miss Sanders?” Bill asked emphasising the 'our'.

“Simply because her brother asked me to find her and kill any witnesses that knew about me going to take her back to her brother” the man smirked.

“You're not going to take her” I hissed.

“Oh, has someone developed a little crush on Miss Sanders. I can understand why though, another reason why agreed to do this job for her brother, as my payment was that I could do whatever I liked to her.”

“You're never going to be able to touch her” I growled feeling Bill's arms wrapped around my torso preventing me from launching myself at the man.

“Well, we'll see. My name is Christof. And Aleck told me to get a message to people that know Carly, maybe you could pass it on: he told me to tell her that he's coming for her and when he does she'll wish that she had died that night then and there with their parents.”

“You won't touch her” I yelled, repeating myself as I struggled to get out of Bill's grasp.

“Watch me” Christof grinned before I dived towards him preparing for attack.

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