Chapter 42: Nerves

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Tomomi's hands nervously fiddled with the end of her shirt, her breathing coming out in labored streams while her eyes stayed focused on the floor of the bus. From beside her, she could see her girlfriend shift from the corner of her eye, no doubt having picked up on Tomomi's nervousness. The younger brunette didn't want to be nervous. In fact, right now, it was the last thing she wanted but she couldn't help it. The thought of seeing Rina outside the hospital struck a fear in Tomomi's heart like no other.

The brunette had felt this way ever since Mami got the call yesterday when the four were out together. Tomomi knew instantly who had called when Mami perked up, although she hoped she was wrong about it. Tomomi had been right though. Once Mami had gotten off the phone, she promptly ran off, simply telling the other three that she would give them a call later. The call wouldn't come until tomorrow morning when Mami asked if Haruna and Tomomi wanted to come to her house to meet with Rina.

Tomomi desperately wanted to say no but Haruna had gotten to it first. She had looked over at Tomomi with a pleading expression that said how much she wanted to see Rina alive and well outside of the hospital. In her heart, Tomomi knew she wouldn't be able to keep Haruna from Rina. Even with this knowledge, Tomomi felt worried. They said Rina was better, but was she really? What if Rina had just lied to them in order to get out? What if she wasn't better at all and still wanted to hurt Haruna?

"It's going to be fine."

Tomomi's frantic thoughts abruptly stalled when she heard the attempted calm tone her girlfriend spoke in. She looked over at Haruna, who scooted herself closer, as much as the bus seats would allow. Haruna laced her hand with Tomomi's laying her head down on her shoulder.

"People will stare, Haruna," Tomomi murmured softly, a small blush on her face. Haruna smiled, simply shaking her head where she still had it laid.

"I don't care. Making you feel better is more important," she responded. Tomomi smiled and lifted their connected hands, kissing the back of Haruna's hand lightly.

"Are you nervous?" Tomomi murmured to Haruna.

"I am... And so are you. But they said Rina was better. We should give her and the hospital the benefit of the doubt, shouldn't we?"

"Yeah, we should," Tomomi agreed. Inside, she wanted to say no but she knew better. Haruna wanted to do this and Tomomi would simply have to put up with it. She would have to be strong for her girlfriend.

She could only hope Haruna knew what she was saying when she said it would be fine.


"I'm glad you two could make it," Mami said when the two finally arrived at the blonde's house. Tomomi gripped Haruna's hand tighter, a new sense of fear coming to her now that they were actually here. "Come in, Rina's inside."

Haruna nodded, murmuring a soft thank you before letting Tomomi pull her into the house. None of the girls said much while Tomomi and Haruna carefully removed their shoes before letting Mami lead them further into the house. The closer they got to the living room, the more nervous Haruna became. And she hated it. She hated that she was nervous about meeting Rina, the one person she'd been closest with for years. She never wanted the two of them to come to this.

It didn't take them long at all to reach their destination. When they did, Mami stepped aside, allowing Haruna and Tomomi to get closer. The duo saw Rina, seated on the couch next to Miyuki with the older girl's arms around her shoulders. As soon as Tomomi saw Rina, she instinctively dropped Haruna's hand so she could wrap her arm protectively around the shorter girl's waist.

Mami saw the way Rina's expression crossed with hurt when she saw the action and Mami tensed. She only relaxed when Miyuki whispered something to Rina, seeming to calm her down. Miyuki dropped her grasp from Rina, standing up and pulling the brunette up as well. Rina wanted to go to Haruna; she wanted to give Haruna a long awaited hug but she didn't dare. Not when Tomomi looked at her like that; not when Tomomi was near Haruna.

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