Chapter 28: Losing Sanity

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This chapter might be confusing to some. Pay attention to what you're reading and I think you'll be able to follow what's happening in it. It's written this way for a reason.


"Haruna, are you in here?” The older brunette in question pushed herself into a sitting position hurriedly, her head snapping over to the door. Her body and her eyes softened when she saw Rina peeking around the door. When their eyes connected though, Haruna felt a shiver go through her. Those didn’t look like the eyes of the little sister she’d spent years caring for and being beside.

“Do you need something, Rina?” Haruna asked softly, looking away from her. She couldn’t bear to look into those darkened, empty eyes any longer. Haruna couldn’t explain it really; she didn’t even know why she’d feel this way with Rina of all people. She couldn’t help it though; something just seemed off about Rina.

“I wanted to apologize,” Rina said in a soft voice. Haruna looked back up at her, giving her a weak smile and beckoning for her to enter the room. The younger brunette nodded before slowly making her way into the room, a small glass held tightly in her hand.

“What’s that?” Haruna asked as Rina slinked her way over to the older girl. The brunette made her way over to the bed before extending the glass to Haruna, a small smile on her face. The smile didn’t sit well with Haruna though. None of this was sitting well with her.

“It’s for you. I made it to apologize for yelling at you. That was wrong of me, I’m sorry,” Rina said. Haruna eyed the glass but felt the need to take it when she saw the hopeful look sparkling in Rina’s eyes. The older girl reached out, wrapping her hands around the glass and slowly taking it from Rina’s grasp.

She brought it closer to her, sniffing the scent of it. It smelled so delicious; Haruna didn’t know why she doubted Rina like this. It wasn’t Haruna’s choice though. There was just a strange look in Rina’s eyes. They were darker than she could remember; empty almost. To Haruna, it seemed like Rina wasn’t actually there. But that was a ridiculous idea. This was Rina; it could never be anyone else. And her Rina would never really hurt anyone.

“It’s so good,” Haruna murmured softly as she took a drink.

“I’m glad you like it,” Rina said. The young brunette took a seat on the edge of the bed as Haruna curled up at the top of it. She brought her legs up underneath her, her half laying and half sitting body leaned up against the wall her bed was pushed against. She gripped the cup tightly in her hands, taking light sips.

“You always did make the best stuff,” Haruna continued in just as soft a tone. She glanced over at Rina and instantly noticed the nervous way Rina seemed to be fidgeting. The young brunette’s hands picked at the shirt she was wearing, her empty eyes trained on the ground.

“I just wanted to make you feel better,” Rina said in a low tone. Haruna nodded her head slowly. Right now, she was just going to chalk up Rina’s odd behavior to her feeling guilty over the girls’ fight.

The two girls fell into silence. Rina continued to stare at the ground while Haruna sipped softly on the drink. As the minutes passed, Haruna soon finished the drink that Rina had brought her, the two girls still not having exchanged many words. There was a lot Haruna wanted to ask Rina but she didn’t want to upset the very fragile girl again.

With a sigh, Haruna sat the glass down on the end table. She could feel her eyelids getting heavier, her vision beginning to cloud. Haruna let out an involuntary yawn, shaking her head in a vain attempt to clear the sudden tiredness. Haruna thought she could see a smile ghost across Rina’s face at her display of tiredness, but Haruna was just going to assume she had seen something that wasn’t there because she was tired.

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