Chapter 25: Playing Doctor

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“Rina! What happened?!” Haruna said urgently as she rushed over to Rina’s side. She knelt down next to the young girl, her face going pale as she saw the amount of blood that was amassing on Rina’s hands. She gulped nervously, trying to push down the wave of nausea that was taking over her. She couldn’t let that stupid fear take over again, she had to help Rina.

Rina sniffled, the crying coming out even heavier now that Haruna was here in front of her. She felt so ashamed of herself. She hadn’t meant for this to happen. When she wanted to stop Haruna and Tomomi, this was never something that had crossed her mind. She didn’t even know how she had done it, she couldn’t remember doing this. She couldn’t remember smashing the glass or picking up that shard. She couldn’t remember any of it.

“Rina, please talk to me.” Rina could hear how sick Haruna was feeling right now. She felt bad for Haruna because she knew how much the older girl hated the sight of blood. Any time Haruna would come across blood, she would get so squeamish and uncomfortable. It was one of the only things that could make Haruna feel squeamish like this.

Rina wanted to say something but she couldn’t. The words stuck in her throat, her heavy crying making it near impossible for her to get any of the words out. She didn’t even know how she would explain this. She couldn’t even explain it to herself. She didn’t have a reason for the rather large gash on her hand.

“Haruna, is everything okay in here?” The high pitched voice that had flowed into the kitchen was soon followed by a gasp as Tomomi saw the scene in front of her. Her eyes scanned the scene as her mind tried to catch up to what she was seeing in front of her.

Tomomi’s feet carried her over to where Rina and Haruna were seated on the floor. She knelt beside the two of them and her eyes glanced over at Haruna, the eldest girl with her hands against her chest and her wide eyes staring at Rina. Tomomi could tell that something was wrong with Haruna just by how pale her face looked, it certainly wasn’t normal for even Haruna to be that pale.

Tomomi turned her attention back to Rina, gulping down the nervousness as she surveyed the damage. Rina had her right hand held tightly against her chest, her left hand gripping it. The blood was pouring out of the cracks in her fingers, cascading over her hand and staining the front of her shirt. Her crying was heavy as the sobs shook her body, her eyes shut tightly and her head pressed against the cabinet.

“Are you okay, Rina?” It was a really stupid question. Tomomi knew that Rina wasn’t okay, all it took was one look at her to see that, but Tomomi couldn’t think of anything else to ask her.

Rina didn’t respond, she simply continued to cry, the words still stuck in her throat. Tomomi ran a hand through her head, turning her attention over to Haruna. Haruna looked like she wanted to reach out and hold Rina but her body wouldn’t move. She could only stare at Rina and the blood… All of that blood. As much as she wanted to comfort and soothe Rina, she didn’t know if she could ever touch that blood. She was trying to be strong but that was proving to be pretty hard in this situation.

“Haruna? Are you feeling sick?” Tomomi asked her. Haruna turned to look at Tomomi, nodding to her question.

“I don’t-I don’t like blood,” Haruna stated simply. Tomomi gave her a sympathetic nod, patting her on the back. She was a bit surprised that a girl like Haruna didn’t like something that sounded so trivial but she could understand it all the same.

“Why don’t you go lay down, sweetheart? I’ll help, Rina. I don’t think you’ll be too much help like this,” Tomomi admitted to her.

Haruna nodded to Tomomi’s suggestion. Tomomi gave her a quick peck on the cheek before Haruna pushed herself to her feet. Her wobbly legs carried her out of the kitchen, the guilt beginning to set in. She felt guilty for leaving Rina like this but Tomomi was right, the blood was making Haruna feel so sick that she couldn’t possibly be any real help to Rina right now. Tomomi would be the only one who could help Rina.

If Jealousy Could KillOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora