Chapter 7: Hatching a Plan

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The blonde knocked loudly and roughly on the door before stepping back, her feet shifting impatiently beneath her. Tomomi really just needed to answer her door already; Mami was getting tired of waiting. Giving a heavy sigh, the blonde crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side. Tomomi just wasn’t going to answer, was she? Fine, if the brunette wanted to do this the hard way, they’d do it the hard way. Tomomi hadn’t answered her phone for anyone; Mami knew that meant something was up. Tomomi always answered her phone; there was never anything that could stop her. After ten ignored calls from both her and Haruna, Mami decided it was time to pay the brunette a visit.

The blonde shoved a hand into her pants pocket, fishing out the spare key Tomomi had given her some months ago. She was fairly certain the airhead brunette hadn’t remembered giving her the spare key, so she would probably be surprised when Mami walked in uninvited. But that was entirely her fault; she really should answer the door when someone is knocking. Mami stuck the key into the small lock, pushing open the door with ease.

She walked into the room, her eyes glancing over every piece of it as she searched for Tomomi. Seeing as there was no sign of her in the living room, Mami migrated towards the kitchen, poking her head around the corner. She could only sigh when she saw it was empty. The brunette had to be in here somewhere. Pushing herself away from the wall, she began her slow trek down the small hallway to the lone bedroom of Tomomi’s small apartment. As she made her way down, she could hear a faint sound the closer she got to the bedroom.

Well, she had found Tomomi and probably found her in the exact position the blonde figured she would find Tomomi in. Standing outside of the bedroom, Mami could hear it loud and clear now. Tomomi was crying. Actually, sobbing was more like it, it sounded like the brunette was in hysterics. It didn’t surprise her after what she’d heard in the kitchen yesterday. She didn’t hear it all, but she’d heard enough to know. Mami ran a hand through her hair, taking a deep breath before laying her hand on the cold doorknob, gently pushing the door open. As soon as she stepped in, she could see the brunette shoot up, having heard the soft creak of the door.

Tomomi immediately turned her back to Mami when she saw the blonde standing there, using her hair to cover her face. The blonde gave her friend a sad smile, seeing her friend’s body shake as she tried to conceal the sound of her sniffling. She was doing her best to conceal the fact she’d been crying. Mami gingerly walked into the room, closing the door behind her and leaning against it.

“What are you doing here?” Mami could hear Tomomi’s voice cracking; she really wasn’t hiding her crying very well. “How did you get in?”

“You gave me a key, remember?” Tomomi didn’t respond to Mami’s rhetorical question. Of course she hadn’t remembered if she had asked how. Mami sighed softly; perhaps she was being a little too rough with Tomomi right now. Tomomi was a softie at heart and sometimes she forgot that. “Want to tell me why you’re crying?”

“I am not crying,” Tomomi asserted. Mami could see her bring a hand up to her face, wiping away what she could only assume was the tears. Mami chuckled softly, pushing herself off the door and walking over to the bed. She sat on the end of it, sitting down in a cross-legged position as she stared intently at Tomomi, the young brunette still having her back turned to her friend.

“I heard you.” Tomomi didn’t respond. A small shake would run through her body every few seconds as a sniffle threatened to escape her. “Come on, Timo. You know you can trust me.”

“You wouldn’t understand.” Mami scoffed at the comment. She had known Tomomi for years, she knew the girl probably better than she knew herself. There was no problem in Tomomi’s life that Mami would be unable to understand.

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