Chapter 10: Confusion

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Mami shoved her hands into her jean pockets again, her legs carrying her down the sidewalk as her younger companion walked beside her. Rina’s arms were wrapped around her torso, her hand rubbing the upper part of her arms as she followed Mami further into the park. Mami could tell that Rina was thinking the worst again. It’s what she always did. She probably had these horrible scenarios about what Mami could want going through her head.

Rina didn’t understand why Mami had insisted on them coming here. If she had wanted to talk to Rina, she could have just done it at the café. Making Rina come out here made the brunette think that Mami had something to hide from Haruna, and that only made Rina trust her even less. After the way Mami betrayed her, Rina wasn’t exactly in a mood to trust the blonde anymore.

“Come on,” Mami said. She grabbed Rina’s arm before the brunette could protest, dragging her off of the sidewalk and through the crowds of people. The blonde pulled Rina along, cutting through the grass and over to one of the many large trees in the park.

When the girls had made it over to the tree, Mami dropped her hand from Rina, letting her body drop to the ground. She laid in the grass, her arms laying behind her head.

“Sit down with me.” Rina gave the blonde a suspicious glance, but she chose to follow Mami’s advice anyway. The young brunette let her body drop to the ground, sitting cross-legged next to the lying Mami. Rina extended her hand, her manicured fingernails beginning to pick at the blades of grass. She wanted answers. She wanted to know why and how Mami could betray her like this. The blonde had known Rina for much longer than she’d known Tomomi, she should have taken Rina’s side and yet, she didn’t. For that, Rina thought she deserved an explanation.

The two girls stayed silent, Rina not desiring to talk and Mami not knowing quite what to say to Rina. She was beginning to rethink telling Rina of her plan. Rina was looking so unstable, she’d become so upset by the news, more upset than Mami had actually bargained for. She knew the plan could help Rina but if she didn’t explain it right, it could only further hurt her.

“It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?” Mami asked, deciding to finally break the silence that had overtaken the two girls. Rina glanced over at Mami, her brown eyes gazing at the blonde through the small parts in her brown hair. Mami was beating around the bush; she was avoiding telling Rina something. And whenever someone like Mami was avoiding telling someone something, you knew it wasn’t going to end well. “So it’s really hurting you, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Rina said with a half-hearted laugh. The question had come so unexpectedly, Rina didn’t know how to react to it. Then again, Rina didn’t really know how to react to anything. Did she talk about it openly? Did she try to hide it? Did she try to fool Mami? Nothing was making sense and nothing was looking like a good option. Rina just wanted things to go back to how they were before Mami interfered. All of this back and forth was really messing with Rina’s emotions.

Mami sighed softly, letting her eyes flicker up to Rina. It had only been a few hours since Rina found out and yet, she looked so upset. Mami hadn’t been planning on springing her idea onto the young girl so quickly, but Rina had gotten so upset so quickly that Mami felt like she had no choice but to do it now.

“Please don’t lie to me, Rina. I’m trying to help you.”

“You’re delusional, Mami. I’m doing just fine.” Mami let out another soft sigh, pushing herself onto her side so she laid facing Rina now. This girl was going to be difficult, wasn’t she? But Mami was going to figure out how to get through to her.

“You’re not fine, Rina. Look at yourself. It’s only been a few hours and you’re so upset. You’re acting like you lost your best friend.” So maybe lying to Mami wasn’t going to be the best option after all.

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