Chapter 36: Tension

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“Please, Timo, come out with me. It’ll be good for you to get out for a while,” Mami continued to beg with the brunette. She had lost track of how long she had been sitting here, practically saying the same thing over and over again to Tomomi. She couldn’t give up though; she knew Tomomi needed to be distracted. She was spending too much time sulking these days. Mami had made the executive decision to attempt to stop Tomomi from sulking like this any longer.

The two girls were currently seated in the middle of Tomomi’s living room on her blue colored couch. It had moved into the fourth day since the incident had happened and none of them had gotten much information on either girl. Rina was still locked away, Mami and Miyuki taking turns every other day to visit her. Mami had visited yesterday, although she didn’t get much out of Rina. Rina didn’t even talk about her confess two days prior; Mami didn’t mention it either out of fear Rina didn’t want to talk about it. Since she saw her yesterday, today was Miyuki’s turn and Mami had made the promise to focus on Tomomi for the day. The brunette was still wrought with worry over the fact her girlfriend had still not regained consciousness after four days.

“Mami, I really just want to stay home today,” Tomomi said. It was the same answer she had given practically every time Mami repeatedly asked her question. She understood what Mami was attempting to do but it just didn’t matter to her. She didn’t want to go out and “have fun”; she was in no mood for Mami’s antics. She was in no mood for anyone’s antics.

Mami scowled at the answer. She hated this. Not only had she nearly lost Haruna and Rina, but now she felt like she was nearly losing Tomomi as well. It was like the brunette was a completely different person. The usual happy glow she always had about her was gone, replaced by a depressing aura instead. The sparkle she carried in her eyes had blinked out and her tone always fell flat. Mami didn’t know what to do for her.

“Look, I know you’re hurting. We’re all hurting over this, but sitting around and sulking about it isn’t going to do anyone any good. Just think about how Haruna would feel if she could see you sulking over her.” Tomomi sniffed softly and for a second, Mami thought she had just made a grave mistake by mentioning Haruna’s name. If she was already this down, mentioning her hospital-bound girlfriend probably didn’t help matters.

“I guess she wouldn’t be happy about it…” Tomomi murmured softly.

“Exactly!” Mami confirmed. It was always like Haruna, she never did like seeing people cry over her when something bad happened to her. “So come out with me and try to have a little fun. It’ll take your mind off of things for a while and I think you really deserve that.”

Tomomi looked down at the tan carpet that her feet shuffled against. She really didn’t feel like going out but she had gotten the hint long ago that Mami simply wouldn’t give up on trying to get her out of the house. Her own stubbornness didn’t seem to be any match for Mami’s. Then again, it never was a match for Mami’s. She was more stubborn than anyone else Tomomi knew. Most times, Tomomi envied that but right now she was just finding it downright annoying.

“Fine, I’ll go with you… But if I want to come home then you have to let me come home,” Tomomi agreed finally.

“Deal!” Mami said in an obviously faked enthusiastic tone. Despite her attempt to keep an upbeat demeanor, Mami knew it was obvious that she was feeling down about this just as Tomomi was. She was doing her best to keep her head held high and hold everyone together but it was getting more and more difficult.

“Where are we going anyway?” Tomomi asked as Mami pushed herself off the couch. Mami turned to Tomomi, giving her a small smile. She reached out a hand, offering to help Tomomi off the couch.

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