Chapter 37: Consciousness

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The two friends hurried their way through the hospital parking lot from where the bus had dropped them off. Tomomi walked a few paces ahead of Mami while the blonde did her best to keep up with her overly eager friend. Tomomi was unable to control any of the emotions and anxiety that gripped her heart. Her mind was focused on one thing and one thing only, and that one thing was Haruna.

Haruna was awake. She was awake, alive, and breathing. Tomomi knew that didn’t necessarily mean that Haruna was healthy again but she knew that it definitely meant Haruna was at least in a bit better condition than previously. That was all Tomomi could ask for right now. All she could ask for was for Haruna’s health to continue improving.

Tomomi led the two women through the front doors of the hospital, instantly making her way over to the reception desk. The brunette didn’t intend to waste even a single second. Mami made sure to do her best to stay close to Tomomi as they made their way through the throngs of patients mulling about the hospital. The two girls didn’t know all of what was going to happen when they went up to see Haruna and if anything bad should happen, Mami wanted to be close to Tomomi just in case. She knew Tomomi wouldn’t be able to handle any more bad news without breaking down.

“Hello, dearies. How might I be able to help you two?” The receptionist asked. The receptionist gave them a sweet smile as she waited for them to speak up. Tomomi gulped nervously, her breathing fairly heavy. The quick pace she had used getting to the hospital had taken a lot of breath out of Tomomi, she hadn’t even stopped enough to let herself catch her breath.

“We’re here to see Haruna Ono,” Mami responded once she saw that Tomomi was a bit unable to respond at the moment. The receptionist nodded her head at Mami’s statement.

“Let me just look her up in the computer real quick,” the receptionist responded. Mami nodded before she took a step closer to Tomomi so she was standing by the brunette’s side now.

She looked down at Tomomi’s hands, noticing the way her fingers tapped impatiently on the fake marble countertop. She knew Tomomi wasn’t actually being purposefully impatient, she was just eager to see her girlfriend.

“Ah yes, here it is. Normally, we only allow immediate family members to see ICU patients but it shows here that you both have a special clearance to see her. You know where her room is, correct?”

“Yes, ma’am!” Tomomi responded immediately without hesitation or thought. The giddiness and happiness she felt before came back to her. She stepped away from the counter before bowing to the receptionist. “Thank you for your help.”

Instantly after saying those words, Tomomi had shot away from the counter and picked up her quick speed again as she made her way down the hallway. Mami was forced to react quickly if she had wanted to keep up with Tomomi’s long and fast strides.

Due to how fast Tomomi was walking, it didn’t take the two friends very long to make their way down the hallway and get to Haruna’s room. As they approached her room, they could see two nurses standing outside the door talking. When they got closer, one of the nurses took notice of them and gave them a wave.

“You got here quick, Tomomi,” the nurse said with a hint of amusement to her tone. Tomomi nodded, her cheeks slightly flushed from the energy she had to exert to get here so quickly.

“Can I please see Haruna?” Tomomi asked. She knew it was probably rude not to say hi to the nurses or anything of the sort but at the moment, politeness was not on Tomomi’s list of things she wanted to care about. She only wanted to get to Haruna as soon as she could.

“Of course, dear. Would you both like to go in together or would it be one at a time?” the nurse asked. Tomomi looked back at Mami, waiting for her to answer. The blonde chuckled softly and shook her head.

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