Chapter 17: Apologies

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Haruna yawned lightly, her body rolling itself over, her hands gripping the covers tightly and pulling them with her. She groaned she felt the hot sun on her face, the rays peeking in through the curtains that hadn't quite been shut tight enough. She let out a disgruntled grunt, finally letting her eyes open. Her eyes narrowed into a glare at the offending window before she pushed herself up into a sitting position.

Another yawn escaped her as she ran her hand through her messy hair. She ruffled her hair a bit, her eyes glancing over to the end table next to the bed where she saw a small note. Her hand left her hair, moving to grab the note. She held it in front of her, her eyes scanning the paper and a small smile coming to her face.

I had to go to school this morning. I didn't want to wake you up so I thought I'd leave you this note so you didn't go jumping to conclusions. I have work later as well so I'll call you after work. I'll see you later. I love you.


Haruna smiled at the note, a soft chuckle passing her lips. Even Tomomi's notes were adorable. Haruna sat the paper back down onto the end table, collapsing down onto her back. Her arms laid splayed out on the bed, her sleepy brown eyes staring up at the clean white ceiling.

Maybe Tomomi was right, maybe she was just stressed. Who knows, a little time away could be good for her. It had been quite a while since the last time Haruna had actually taken a vacation. The only part that Haruna didn't like was potentially leaving Rina alone with Miyuki. Haruna wanted to ask her if she'd stay at Mami's house while the two were away, but she got the feeling that Rina would rather stay with Miyuki over Mami these days. Rina and Miyuki had only been together for a few days but she knew that wouldn't matter to Rina. When Rina fell for someone, she tended to fall hard.

Haruna blew some strands of hair out of her face and shook her head. There was a part of her that wanted to be mad at Mami for introducing Rina and Miyuki, but there was a stronger part of her that wanted to thank Mami. It had been so long since Rina had been interested in anyone, Haruna was a bit curious as to how Mami had managed to get her interested again. It seemed like a miracle that Mami had gotten Rina interested in dating again so quickly.

As the thoughts crossed Haruna's mind, another set of thoughts crossed her mind. She thought back to one of the conversations that Tomomi and Haruna had had last night while they were lying in bed. Tomomi had mentioned trying to find Mami a date, saying she felt like the three of them owed it to her for all the work Mami had done with their love lives. The thought still made Haruna laugh. She wasn't sure how any of them would even begin to go about doing that. In all her years of knowing Mami, she had never really seen the blonde date anyone. She didn't even know what type of person Mami liked or if she even had a type at all for that matter.

Haruna ruffled her hair again as she pushed herself up into a sitting position. If Tomomi wanted to meddle in Mami's love life then Haruna would let her do just that, but the eldest brunette didn't intend to get involved in any of that. She'd leave that up to fate.

She threw the covers off of her body with a heavy sigh, reluctantly pushing herself off the bed. She didn't really want to get up, but it's not as if she could stay in bed forever, even if that is exactly what she'd like to do.

Haruna stopped at her dresser, running her hair brush through her slightly tangled locks quickly. Once she had felt the knots become dislodged and her wild hair fall as calm as she was going to get it for right now, she set the brush back down and made her way out of the room. She padded down the hallway, another series of small yawns escaping the tired girl.

Haruna walked into the kitchen, but her steps stopped immediately when her eyes laid on Miyuki. The slightly younger girl was seated at the table, a small coffee cup clutched in one hand while the other flipped through the newspaper.

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