Chapter 14: Meeting Her Friend

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“You must be Rina.”

The young brunette turned around suddenly, noticing that a slightly older looking black haired woman had come up behind her now. Rina gulped, the nervousness beginning to set in her body. She always got nervous on dates before but now, knowing what her stakes were for it, it made Rina even more nervous. She didn’t know if she could go through with this.

“That’s me, who are you?” Rina asked. The woman laughed softly at her question, giving her a sweet smile.

“You’re kind of cute, you know that? My name is Miyuki Mori; I’m the friend that Mami wanted you to meet.”

“Oh… Oh!” Rina exclaimed when she had realized it. Of course this was Mami’s friend, what other stranger would be walking up to her at this time of night? She should have realized that one right away. “It’s nice to meet you, Miyuki. I’m Rina Suzuki.”

“Such a pretty name for a pretty girl,” Miyuki complimented. Rina could feel her face beginning to heat up and she knew that Miyuki’s sudden compliment was making her blush. Compliments always did that to her, it was just another one of Rina’s habits.

“T-thank you… But, how did you know it was me?” The thought had only just occurred to Rina. Mami hadn’t told Rina what Miyuki looked like and, as far as she knew, she also didn’t tell Miyuki what Rina looked like. In a response to her question, she heard Miyuki laugh softly again.

“Mami pointed you out.”

“She…pointed me out? Is she here?” Rina asked in curiosity. That didn’t make any sense, why would Mami be here? Rina watched as Miyuki got a smile on her face, one that looked so similar to the smile Haruna would get whenever she started to mess with people.

“She’s back there somewhere,” Miyuki answered, pointing in the direction that she had come from. “She’s probably hiding so she can watch our date.”

“That does sound like her,” Rina said with a laugh. Miyuki smiled at Rina’s laugh, she was so cute when she was this happy. Miyuki wasn’t too excited about being set up on a date by Mami but now that she had met Rina, she didn’t feel like that anymore. Rina seemed like a sweet girl and she was pretty cute, so Miyuki didn’t mind taking this girl on a date. Mami had actually made a good choice this time.

“Why don’t I take you to dinner, Rina? I think it could be a good start, we could get to know each other a little more,” Miyuki suggested. Rina nodded to her suggestion. She liked that idea. Even if she wasn’t planning on letting this go anywhere but casual dating, Miyuki did seem like a nice person and Rina would like to get to know her better.

“I’d like that,” Rina responded. Miyuki gave her a smile, extending her hand out to the younger girl in front of her. Rina was hesitant at first but not wanting to make things too awkward, she reached out and grabbed Miyuki’s hand. She could feel the way their hands entwined together, the older girl giving Rina’s hand a tight squeeze. It felt weird to Rina to be holding this woman’s hand like this.

“I think you’ll really like this place,” Miyuki told her. Rina nodded, allowing Miyuki to lead the way to whichever restaurant she had planned to take them to.


Sitting at a table just a little ways away from the new couple was Mami, her eyes trained onto them. When Mami had first mentioned this plan to Rina, staying around and observing the date wasn’t part of that plan. But after Rina had so suddenly changed her mind, Mami was more curious than ever now.

It wasn’t like Rina to just up and change her mind like that so Mami knew there had to be something else that Rina wasn’t telling her. Following her and watching their date would probably be the only way Mami could find that out though. So that’s exactly what she was doing.

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