Chapter 33: Help

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“Is everything off, Miss Sasazaki?” the nurse asked. Mami took a look at her body, moving around her clothes to make sure she had indeed get everything ‘dangerous’ off of her. The blonde found this all a bit ridiculous. She felt as though the hospital had completely undressed her just so she could go see Rina, the only thing she kept on were her basic clothes. Her bag, shoes, belt, and everything else had to come off or else she wouldn’t be allowed in. When she thought about it though, she did understand. The hospital only wanted to keep everyone safe.

“Yes, ma’am. Everything is off,” Mami answered finally. The nurse gave her a smile before nodding her head. She turned on her heels, beckoning for Mami to begin following and the blonde jumped at the chance. Mami’s body felt heavy as she followed the nurse down the hallway, she had hardly slept at all yesterday.

After the girls had gotten Tomomi out of Haruna’s room and back to her own, it was nearly midnight. It had taken them forever to convince Tomomi it would be fine to leave a still passed out Haruna. Even when Mami did get home, she didn’t sleep a bit. She kept thinking about Rina and about Haruna; she kept thinking about how they were both confined to hospitals for who knew how long. She thought about Tomomi and the nasty scar she was no doubt going to be left with because of all this.

And she felt guilty.

She tried to remember Miyuki’s words from last night but it was still hard for Mami to not blame herself for what had happened to Tomomi and Haruna. Or for what had even happened to Rina. She couldn’t forget how this all trailed back to her introducing Tomomi and Haruna. She couldn’t forget how this all trailed back to her setting up the couple. She wanted to remember all the good setting them up had done but all the bad it had done kept coming to the front of her mind. It was hard to focus on anything positive when so many negatives clouded her judgment.

“Now, Miss Sasazaki, there are a few things you need to know about your visitation with Suzuki,” the nurse informed her and brought her back to the reality of things.

“I’m listening…”

“Suzuki is considered a high risk patient still. For this reason, we will require security to be in the room or outside of it for your protection. We still do not know what Suzuki is capable and how much of a real danger she poses to other people. This will not be negotiable; it is for your own safety.”

Mami wanted to contest the nurse’s words about Rina being a dangerous person but she really couldn’t deny it. As much as Mami wanted to, she couldn’t deny that Rina was indeed now a dangerous person. The once sweet and innocent girl was gone.

“Furthermore, no touching is allowed. You may not hug her or touch her in the slightest. Likewise, she may not touch you. We cannot take the chance of you slipping her something dangerous or her trying to hurt you. You understand, I’m sure.”

“Of course,” Mami replied politely as they continued walking.

“You can stay with Suzuki until the end of visiting hours if you so choose. We will announce when visiting hours are over so there is no need of worrying if you won’t know when they end. Is all of this clear so far?”

“Yes, ma’am. It’s perfectly clear.”

The two women continued down the hallway in silence. It didn’t take them to reach the room where Mami assumed Rina was waiting for her. The nurse glanced back at her before unlocking the door and pushing it open. She stepped aside, motioning for Mami to enter the room. As the blonde did, she could hear the door close behind her.

Mami stopped just as she entered the room, her eyes surveying the scene. The walls were a serene tan color while the floors remained the stereotypical hospital white. The room was small, barely able to fit the table and chairs that it contained. Up against the back wall was the promised security guard.

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