"Oh, Aubrey just gets helplessly turned on whenever I speak French.. so he likes to take me to authentic French restaurants to make me speak French to the staff." I explained.

"You speak French?"

"Yeah, Lydia does too." I replied.

"We spent a year in France together." Lydia added.

"Oh? Did you happen to visit the city of love?" Anita raised her eyebrow.

"We went to Paris a week after we started dating." Lydia recollected.

"Thats adorable."

"Excuse me, would you like a table?" A waiter with a thick accent interrupted our conversation.

"Do you speak French?" Anita asked him.

"Oui, Mademoiselle."

"They do too." Anita pointed to Lydia and I.

"Ah Oui?" he cocked an eyebrow at us.

"Peut-être" I shrugged.

"Un peu." Lydia said modestly.

"Voulez-vous une table pour quatre?" he asked.

"Uh oui." Lydia replied.

"Suivez-moi, s'il vous plaît" he beckoned. We followed him to our table and he handed us each a menu. "En français pour mes invités spéciaux"

"Wow, I don't think I'm quite skilled enough for a french menu." Lydia shook her head.

"Je ne suis pas d'accord. Je pense que vous pouvez parler français très bien si vous essayez." The waiter encouraged.

"Oui?" She scrunched her nose.

"You have to say something besides oui." I joked.

"Vous comprenez très bien." He added.

"Merci. Mais, elle est meilleure que moi... "

"Vous êtes très belle Mademoiselle." he flirted.

"C'est sa petite amie." I clarified, pointing to Anita.

"Ah oui, je suis une - lesbienne..." Lydia added.

"What's happening?" Anita whispered to Aubrey.

"I have no idea." he replied.

"Desolé" the waiter apologized.

"Mais merci beaucoup!" Lydia blurted.

"Les boissons?" he asked. "Drinks?"

"Uh le vin rouge." I ordered.

"Moi aussi." Lydia chimed.

"I'll have red wine." Anita stated.

"Just bring a bottle." Lydia concluded.

"Babe, are you good with wine?" I asked Aubrey.


Once the waiter left, we shifted seats so I was beside Aubrey and Lydia was beside Anita.

We got back to the hotel by 4, and gathered everyone in our suite to watch a movie. OJ sat on my lap, insisting that Lydia sit beside us. Aubrey was on the other side of me with Liam in his arms. Lydia held Oliver and Aaliyah held Allison on the floor with Anita. Aubrey's parents sat in the love seat beside the couch.

"Okay, OJ what are we watching?" Lydia asked, remote in hand.

"Trolls!" he squealed.

After the movie, we ordered pizza for the kids and Aubrey's parents before putting OJ and the triplets to bed.

It was 8pm by the time Aubrey and I were in bed.

"Are you happy?" I asked him.


I turned to face him, "Remember when we first got really serious about our relationship, you told me you wanted me to work a little less and take time for vacations and family stuff.."

"Oh yeah."

"I don't know, I feel like I've taken you up on that.. Especially after a day like today. I feel like I've managed every aspect of my life." I took a deep breath.

"You're amazing at everything you do" he kissed me.

"You've helped me to be this way." I replied.

"It was all you." He assured me.

"I do-"

"Shh." he kissed me again, "You had a long day.. you should get some rest."

Hey guys! Miss talking to you all❤️ I've got good news and bad news😩

- I got accepted to Temple University (not my top choice.. still waiting for my other schools)
- My single "Know" is available on itunes, spotify, google play, and amazon! Also the vid is on Youtube

- I was super sick a few weeks ago and the doctors haven't been able to conclude on a diagnosis.. but the long term effects have been periodic hearing loss😩 my hearing just comes and goes as it pleases.. so yeah. They aren't sure whats causing it or if it'll be permanent, etc... so yeah..

ANYWAYS!! I hope you guys are enjoying your holidays and don't forget to hmu whenever you need to!

email: nicki0rih@gmail.com for advice, tutoring, feedback on writing, or anything you need!

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