Chapter 11- The Seamstress's Past

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*Not Edited*

April 13, 1912-- R.M.S. Titanic

Evie felt the breeze push back her hair, feeling happy that she's in the first class area of the ship. She felt as if she was free for the first time after being trapped for so long.

The small group finished their tour. Chad left to find Adam and  while Jane and Carlos continued sharing their life stories. Evie looked around the bow of the ship, seeing Doug at the bottom. They smiled at each other, and Evie went past the third class gate.

"Hola," Evie said to Doug with a smile.


"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Just waiting until dinner is ready. You must be excited to eat in first class,"

"I am. I have dreamed of being a first-class mujer por muchísimo tiempo,(woman for such a long time.)"

"You really have big dreams,"

"I do. I want to someday be a famous designer, to hacer ropa increíble para los ricos.(incredible clothes for the rich,"

**Flashback-- Spain 1910**

"I remember when I was a little girl, I lived in an orphanage in Madrid, Spain. I never knew my parents, but I always hoped un dia alguien me adoptaría (one day someone would adopt me). Mi vida fue la misma durante años(My life was the same for years). Trabajé como costurera (I worked as a seamstress), but one day that changed,"

Being the youngest in the shop, 18-year-old Evie worked hard to keep paying her rent that was overdue above the shop. It was late at night, and she was finishing the last of the order. She and her coworkers made the dresses in the backroom that had a small window, with Ramon keeping an eye on their work.

"Evelynn," She looked up to her supervisor, Ramon. It was dark in the shop, the only light being Evie's candle. "estás trabajando demasiado duro (you're working too hard)"

It was near midnight, Evie was finishing the simple dresses she made. She has asked for overtime, making her stay alone in the shop. Ramon sometimes stayed with her, not saying a word to her.

"I have to si no quiero vivir en las calles (if I want to not live on the streets)" Evie said to him.

"You're too beautiful to work so much," He said while stroked her hair. She became uncomfortable and pushed his hand off her. Ramon moved her hands away from the sewing machine, gently pulling her up from her seat.

"Pa favor,(Please)" Evie told him, trying to push him off. "Necesito terminar (I need to finish),"

"It can wait," He whispered. Ramon tried to kiss her, but Evie back away.

"No quiero hacer esto(I don't want to do this),"

"No me importa(I don't care)" He continued to try to kiss her, but the woman slapped him. Ramon looked at her, filled with anger. He grabbed her tightly and pushed her up against the wall.

The woman screamed, her tears flowing down her cheek. He smirked. Before he could continue his task, Ramon felt something hard hit him on the back of his head. He fell on the floor, blood slowly dripping from his wound.

Evie hid in a corner, seeing a silhouette. The shadow towered over Ramon, who was laid on his back on the floor. The woman put her hand over her mouth, trying not to make a sound. She saw Ramon try to crawl away from the figure, who roughly dragged him out of Evie's sight.

A moment later, she heard the screams of Ramon.

"I didn't know si yo debería haber sido feliz o asustada, (if I should have been happy or frightened) but I knew I was a witness to a murder,"

Evie did make a sound, hearing footsteps come into the room. The steps came closer to her, then stopped. Evie looked up and saw a woman with blonde hair holding a flashlight.

"Por fa," Evie said, her voice trembling. "No me mates,(Don't kill me)"

"I'm not going to hurt you," The woman said, in a calm voice in an American accent. "I was protecting you,"

The woman sat in front of her, and Evie felt less scared. The woman wore a suit for a man, which was tattered and torn.

"I'm Mal," She said with a small smile.

"Your name means bad or evil in my language," Evie told her.

"Well, it's what my mother always called me,"


"So, what's your name?" Mal asked, obviously avoiding the question.

"Evelynn, but I prefer Evie," It was quiet between them, but Evie was curious about Mal. "Why are you here?"

"In all honesty, I was trying to steal money here. I needed more to get some transportation to France. I was watching this place for days. I saw you stay here after hours. I thought you'd able to give the money easily. When I came in after picking the lock, I heard that you scream,"

"¿Lo mataste?(Did you kill him?)"

"Yes, but only to make him stop hurting woman,"

"I wanted to know more about her. ¿Por qué estaba en España, cómo llegó allí? (Why she was in Spain, how she got there?) She was different then most woman. No sabía cómo, pero sentía algo especial de ella. (I did not know how, but I felt something special about her)"

Mal and Evie stay quiet, but both heard a car pull up in front of the shop. Both stood up, seeing two policemen get out of the door. Evie quietly closed and locked the door, making sure the authorities didn't see her.

"Tienes que salir de aquí,(You have to get out of here)" Evie frantically said, pushing her to the window.

"If they see you, you'll be accused of murder. You could go to prison. You don't deserve that,"

Evie froze and looked at the at the door, hearing the police trying to open the door. She looked back at Mal, who motioned her to the window. Making her final decision, Evie climbed out the window.

*April 12, 1912-- R.M.S Titanic*

"After that night, we became inseparable. I went with her France, each paying half for transporte (transportation),"

"What did you do for the past two years?" Doug asked.

"Mal and I each worked to earn some money for abrigo(shelter). If we didn't have enough, we would permanecer debajo de un puente o en un callejón(stay under a bridge or in an alley)."

"You two really are best friends,"

"El mejor de los amigas (The best of friends)"

A/N- Hello, friend(s) and/or readers.

Now that it's almost Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day(Basically the Holiday Season), I plan on releasing some new books. One will include a sequel to Be Careful What You Wish For and a High School Musical/Descendants Cross-Over. I'll post more about nearing the holidays!

!!!Thanks For Reading!!!

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