Chapter 10- The De Vil's Past

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*Not Edited*

*April 13, 1912*

Chad, Jane, Evie, and Carlos walked around the first class open-air deck. While Evie looked at the fine clothing the upper-class wore, Jane and Carlos had a long conversation.

"Have you've always worked for Audrey?" Carlos asked Jane.

"Not always. My mother worked for the DeWitt Bukater for years. Audrey and I became great friends. About 3 years ago, I started working for her. She never treated me differently though, she always treated me like I was family,"

"I wish I had that," Jane looked at him confused.

"Had what?"

"I wish I had a family like yours,"

*Flashback- 1906-- London, England*

"I was born in the city of London, where my mother owned a small fur coat store. She always pressured me to work harder, since my dad died when I was 3 years old. I worked by helping get more customers in and buy the furs. By the time I turned 13, my mother told me the secret to her customs fur coats,"

Carlos locked the doors to his mother's store, closing for the night. He was able to get more customers, but he spent most of his time out helping the stray dogs. The 13-year-old always tried to help the animals in need, giving them food he bought and tried to give them love.

He went upstairs, where he and his mother lived. He saw his mom sitting at the table, counting the money made during the day.

"Carlos," His mother said, getting his attention before he reached his room. He walked to her, sitting on the other side of the table. "I've been thinking. I believe it's time for you to become a bigger part of the business,"

"What do you mean?" Carlos asked.

"It's time for you to learn how the coats are made," Cruella got up and walked downstairs, while her son followed.

She went down the stairs, past the shop, to the basement. Carlos never went to the basement before. He was never allowed to go, he didn't know why. The two reached the basement door, which had a lock on the outside and in. Cruella took out the keys and opened the door.

It was dark, Carlos couldn't see anything. He heard so much, however, so much whimpering. He knew it wasn't just any whimper, it came from dogs. The lights turned on, and what the boy saw terrified him.

The room had dogs of all sizes, from puppies to adult dogs. There were multiple different breeds, especially Dalmatians. The dogs looked poorly cared for, having dirt covering them and some bones showing through their fur.

"This is what makes the fur coats so fabulous!" Cruella exclaimed. "I make the coats out of dogs!"

"You- you kill them?" Carlos asked, his voice in a small stuttered.

"Of course I do!"

"I couldn't believe what my mother was doing. I knew it was wrong, and I wanted to help them,"

"Tomorrow morning you will begin your lessons," His mother told him. ", on how to skin them and make the fur coats. You'll also learn how to get the dogs off the street with Horace and Jasper,"

Cruella walked back up the stairs, preparing to lock the door. Carlos looked at all the dogs, seeing the fear in their eyes. He had to save them from their terrible fate.

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