12- Shopping

Beginne am Anfang

"Come on! Its not that-" Jay and Cole comes in. Seriously!? Are they even aloud to come in like that?!?

"Woah! Hey girls!" Says Cole whistling. I glare at them.

"H-Hey Nya!" Says Jay shyly.

"Get out!" Screams (y/n) pushing them out.

"Come on! Kai's aloud!" They whine, as she completely gets them out.

"But seriously Nya go change." I say again.

"So seeing her dressed like that is bad but me its okay?" I see a grin on (y/n)'s face, than I looked at her body and- "are you checking me out?"
She laughs looking at my face... Im triggered right now.
Nya gets in her changing room and well, they get changed in their normal clothes.

We arrive at the cashier.
"Kai....I think its gonna take more than your 10$.." She does those cute puppy eyes and I cant resist.

"Fine! But stop doing that face!" I say and pay the lady. She had a big smile.

"Have a nice day! Oh, and you two are a really cute couple!" She says than turn around. I nod and (y/n) laughs.

"Doesn't mean were a couple even if were handcuffed!" She whispers to me laughing while dragging me out. Yea....

We get to the others, Lloyd and Zane talking, Cole flirting with girls and Jay is there laughing at Cole when a girl gets him down, the girls and I get to them.

"Hey, do you know if theres any police around?" Cole asks a girl, this is gonna be funny.

"I dont think so, why?" She replies.

"Cause Im about to steal your heart" he says with a wink. I hear (y/n) laughing seeing a guy coming up behind the girl and puts a arm around her.

"She has a boyfriend. And thats me." Says the guy.

"Oh, sorry dude" Says Cole, the guy steps forward, he looks pretty strong, even though Cole is more.

I quickly walk in front of him.
"Hey man, Im sorry for my friend, hes real idiot. No wonder why he dont have a girlfriend, I mean even I wouldnt go with a girl thats already taken."

"Finally one who has respect." Says the guy stepping backwords and puts a arm around the girl, wait....I already saw her face somewhere...

"Kai is that you?" She says


"Its me Melanie!" Oh god, she than hugs me.. but than looks at the girl handcuffed to me.
"Who's this?"

"Uh, this is (y/n), my girlfriend!"

"What?!" We hear The others in the backround.

"Oh nice to meet you!" She says and then hugs (y/n). "Im Melanie I was Kai's first Girlfriend!"

"Ah, well nice to meet you too!" Replies (y/n), I see the boys completely lost behind, with Nya laughing.

"Im sorry to interrupt this, in fact not really, but guys we have a mission!" Says Lloyd

"see you around!" I say as we turn around, and roll my eyes.

"Are you two going out or not? Im completely lost!" Says Jay

"No were not!" I say annoyed and feel (y/n)'s hand in mine.

"It seems like pirates are again attacking Ninjago City." Continues Lloyd.
(Cause why not?😁)

"What am I suppose to do?" Ask the girl holding my hand.

"Well, it would be safer to leave you here.." says Zane.

"But I didnt bring the key for the handcuffs!" Yells Nya

"Than she'll come and fight with me!" I say

"But Kai, its not safe! She doesnt have our fighting skills and-"

"I already saw her fight! Shes gonna be okay! And Ill protect her!"

"Im good with that." She says.

"Than lets go!" says Cole as we put our hood on.

So how was this? Does it even make sense?😂😅

So how was this? Does it even make sense?😂😅

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Handcuffed To The Player (kai x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt