Chapter 39 | Hold on

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Third Person POV

The wheels of the stretcher squeal against the floor while the paramedics push her in a hurry. They kept shouting the different states she was in, but none of them seem to be any good. Her bloody shirt was evidence of the amount of blood she lost. Her eyes keep rolling back white as her heart beat decreases simultaneously.

"She's losing a lot of blood!" "Hurry!" "Please Move!" They entered through the double doors and the shouts fell silent.

Meanwhile, Damien runs inside the hospital in search of answers to his Fiancee state. He went crazy when he saw the scene that took place right in front of his eyes. He couldn't breathe neither moved when he saw Emma in the state she was left after the crash. He broke down and ran towards her car trying to get her out.

"EMMA! PLEASE DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES! STAY STRONG BABY! I'M GOING TO GET YOU OUT!," he yelled as he punched his fist against the car door. Emma had already loss conscious two minutes before he arrived. The car impact was so strong she hit her head against the window. Damien continued to pull on the handle but it wouldn't budge.

"FUCK!" he ran to the other side as people gather around the scene. Many with shocked faces and worried looks. Others started calling the ambulance.

He managed to open the passenger side door and get to Emma. He pulled her out of the car and set her outside. Blood got in Damien's clothe as he pulled her to him. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he tried to wake her up but nothing, no response what's so ever.

"Please... don't leave me.. Please... we're supposed to be getting married in two days baby... Please!." He bawled.

"We called the ambulance man, they're on their way." A man approached him and laid his hand on Damien's Shoulder. The man looked down at him with sympathy as he cries with Emma on his arms.

"Where is she?," Kimberly came rushing towards Damien as he sat on the waiting room with his head hanging down.

"Surgery," He muttered without looking up. Kimberly walked towards him and embraced him in a hug. He return the hug minutes after breaking down on her arms.

"Is she going to be okay? Please tell me she's going to be okay..." She sobbed. Damien stood quiet, submerged in his own thoughts.

"Her parents are on their way... They were out of the country for a business cause." He says without even noticing that's not what Kimberly had asked. "Boris is talking to one of the nurses and my brother is at the bathroom."

Kimberly sits down beside him and wipes away her tears with the sleeve of her sweater stain with paint. When Damien called her to tell her what happened, She was currently painting  on one of her canvas. Once she heard what the situation was, She dropped everything and drove to the hospital.

"She was going to meet up with me..." Damien starts saying.

Kimberly looks up at him waiting for him to continue.

"We were supposed to meet up and fix things between us." He says looking out into space as a tear rolls down his left eye. "She told me she loved me..."

"Shh she's going to be okay... she's really strong. Trust me." Kimberly consoles.

"I know she is..." He whispered.

Long minutes went by and nobody came to tell either of them how was Emma. Boris came back and told them the same thing the nurse had said to them. "Surgery is still going on,"

"They said a small piece of glass might of cut through one of her heart arteries so it's a tough process in order to get it out without messing anything else." Boris informed them. Damien's heart sank to the floor, and Kimberly stood up and walked outside trying to hold back her tears. Jake on the other hand was silent, just looking out into space.

"We have to be strong for her." Boris tells Damien; who nods his head slowly.

Three hours later, there wasn't any news on Emma's state. Her parents had arrived to the hospital and paid all of her medical bills and anything else necessary to save her life. Her parents believed it was all by the power of money that she would get better.

"The doctor is coming Damien," Kimberly says as they all get up and walk towards him.

"How is she?," Damien was the first one to ask. The doctor heaved a sighed, and everyone's faces fell.

"One of the two teenagers brought in this morning... Is dead." The doctor says and Mrs.collins starts screaming in agony.

"No my daugther nooo! Please tell me it isn't her!" She shouts to the Doctor while her husband hold her back.

"You'll have to see for yourself in order to determine that out." Doctors says pushing up his glasses and holding his surgeon cap down.

"What happened to the other girl?," Damien spoke up after being frozen.

"She's in a coma,"

Kimberly starts crying once again as Damien was in total shocked. One of them is dead and the other one is in a coma. The pain he felt and the agony of knowing Emma could either be dead or in a coma state kills him alive.

"Take me to see the one in coma... Please." He pleads to the doctor. He looks to Emma's parents before doing anything else.

"Mrs. And Mr Collins please...let me do this..." His voice cracked at the end.

Mr. Collins and Mrs.collins looked at each other with tears in their eyes and nodded slowly to him.

"Follow me young man," The surgeon walked past everyone and went down to the hallway that led to the room where the girl was in.

"You have to be strong young man, I get it  is hard not knowing whether or not the person behind this door is the person you don't want it to be." The doctor says when they come into a stop in front of the door where the girl was.

Damien didn't answer him and just looked at the door, scare of whatever is behind that door. His painful thoughts were killing him. The doctor opens the door slowly. Damien closes his eyes for a brief moment and takes steady steps inside.

His heart was beating so fast and his hands were shaking. The doctor closed the door behind him, letting have the time that he wants. Tears rolled down his cheeks when he opened his eyes and realized that the person in front of him was no doubt Emma.

She was connected to so many IV monitors and with a tube inside her mouth. Damien walked slowly towards the side of her bed and tried to contained his tears.

"Emma..." He whispered.

_________The end____________

*If it didn't make sense, don't worry I'm pretty sure it will on the second book  (;, I just feel like this was the end that the book is supposed to have.*

This is it for this book! All I want to say is thank you so much for all the support you guys gave this book! And I hope you do the same for book 2!! Coming soon because I'm obviously not going to leave you hanging like this ! In the next book you'll see what happens with Emma? Is she going to survive or is this the end for her?

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