Chapter 04 | Lake house.

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Emma's POV

My alarm goes off. I snap my eyes open and roll off my bed to sit on the edge. I grab my phone from my nightstand table and roll down through Instagram.

I see the various post about last night. My cheeks heating in embarrassment. Many of them were memes of me in a chocolate fountain.

Damn! How come people have time to do this but they don't have time to get a life.

I check my messages and there was one from Kimberly.

Ur up for some Starbucks at 9:30 am? - Kim xo

I typed a quick replied - agreeing to meet her up and carelessly threw my phone on my bed.

I let out a gasp of air I didn't know I was holding in and stand on my feet. I stride towards my bathroom and turn the water faucet in my bathtub. The sound of the water falling fills in the silence.

I stand in front of the mirror and shit I look horrible.- All because of him. I had raccoon eyes, and my hair looks like I haven't brushed it in weeks.

I roll my eyes and take my toothbrush. I lazily brush my teeth and then I put my black long hair in a bun. I take my clothes off and get in the bathtub.

My body shivers as it makes contact with the cold water. I slip inside and close my eyes for a few seconds just relaxing and forgetting about everything that happened last night.

How didn't I see it coming? Her presence was noticed. I knew the minute I saw her something bad was going to happen. And walla! I am the talk of many magazines, newspapers and worst of all my school. Thank God, today is Saturday - I have more time to prepare myself for the many jokes they'll throw my way on Monday.

It's official Damien Lockwood is the worst human being on this planet! Along with that stupid bitch.

I hit the water with my fist and water splash all over the place. I checked the time on the electronic clock next to my mirror and it was 8:45 am. Fuck I got to get ready! Quickly I stood up and finish showering.

I took my towel and dry myself off. I walked over to my wardrobe and pick something out. Most of the times I change according to my mood - in this case, I'm really frustrated and lazy so I'll just put on some shorts and a crop top.

I check the weather app in case this wasn't the appropriate outfit but it says the highest would be 82°.

I take my black converses and brush my hair into a presentable ponytail. I head out of my room and walk through the large corridors of my house. I skip downstairs and enter the kitchen to grab my car keys from the wall.

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