Chapter 30 | Surprise

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Emma POV

"Hello?," Kimberly Answers the phone after its been ringing for the last ten minutes since we started driving back to my apartment. I have no idea why she's been ignoring the call.

"I told you. there were no strings attached and what did you do? you fucking asked me out." She yelled into the little speaker of the phone. "In fact I almost consider it but you know you should have asked that brunette girl you were flirting with the other day.. I don't want to hear it!!,"

I peer at her, she just rolled her eyes and pointed to the phone."If you want to see me go to my social media, there's plenty of good flicks there.. bye!" She hung up the phone.

"You okay?"

She breathes out and holds the bridge of her nose in annoyance whilst her right hand made a U-turn towards my apartment route. "Boys are crazy stupid these days,"

She shakes her head and laughed lightly." you right but some of them get crazy for good reasons,"

"Yeah but this one gets all type of crazy," she laughs humorlessly.

"Which one is that one?"

"Starbucks guy,"

"Damn I thought that was over already," I said impressed at how long he's managed to be around my best friend.

"Well you know the guy manage his way inside my heart organ but not the right amount so that's why I can't consider him as a boyfriend or any type of thing, and also he was flirting with a girl on Starbucks while taking her order,"

"You sure he wasn't just being polite?," I try to reason.

She stopped the car right in front of the building I'm currently living in with Damien. "If that's being polite then I guess that's the same way Edward acts whenever we go to the beach!!,"

She climbed out of the car and slammed the door shut making me cringe at the sound. I sighed and took all of my shopping bags with me before I climbed out too. Kimberly and I spent the entire day doing our nails, hair, and shopping that it's already dark outside.

"Is he texting you again?," I asked when I see her rushing to text something back on her iPhone.

"Oh yeah.." she laughed nervously.

We went up the elevator and out into the hallway." it smells like popcorn," I say as I stick my nose up into the air.

"Wonder what guy brought a girl over to 'Netflix and chill,"," She laughs making quotation marks on the air. My face expression goes blank as stupid assumptions flow through my mind.

Is just a joke.... it's not like Damien and Stacy could possibly be in there together....

"You okay? Hey?" Kimberly calls out waving her hand in front of my face.

I blinked rapidly and smiled at her." Sorry, i got distracted,"

She looks at me suspiciously but I ignored her gaze and inserted the bright silver key inside the doorknob. I twist it open and when I did, confetti was all up in my face as everyone yelled:

"SURPRISE!," I was shocked and speechless, to say the least. Everyone was here. James, Gaby, Edward, Jake, Michael, and Damien. Some guys from the football team who are friends with Damien and a couple of girls from my English class. The place was decorated with red and white strings hanging from the ceiling. Balloons on the walls and floating around. The music was now on and beers, vodka, and other alcoholic drinks were spattered all over our living room area.

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