Chapter 23 | The masquerade ball

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Book opening




Emma POV

 "Are you ready?" Damien walks into the room as I finish up my make up. He was all dressed up already. His hair combs back neatly, His black suit without any wrinkles and his shiny black dressing shoes on.

I glanced at myself one more time before sighing and standing on my feet. I looked at him in the mirror and nodded my head slowly.

"Let's go," He says as he fixed his suit sleeve at the end.

I walk towards him and he takes my arm in his. His cologne immediately embracing me and I can't help but give him a short smile as we walked out of our apartment.

We exit the building and get to the main entrance where our limousine is waiting for us. The Chauffeur opens the door and I slide inside first, Damien holding my long red dress in case it got stuck on something. He slides inside right after me and the chauffeur closed the door.

The limousine is luxurious and spacious on the inside. The windows are tinted and the smell of fresh leather seats hovers in the air. The fully stocked bar at the end with two glass of champagne bubbling, waiting to drink.

I reached out for the two and gave one to Damien. His eyes flickered between them and then landing on me. I raised an eyebrow at him and all he did was chuckled to later take one of the glasses out of my hand. His fingers making a light contact with my skin sending a shiver down my spine.

I took my eyes off of him and looked down at my ring finger where my beautiful ring was on. It was shining with the low yellow lights of the limousine.

"Are you nervous? You've been quiet the whole afternoon." Damien Asks beside me almost in a whisper.

I shake my head no without looking up and take a sip of my champagne.

"Mmm," He hum.

The chauffeur started driving and I placed my gaze on the window. It was dark out already. Los Angeles city lights shining at their brightest, looking like stars on earth.

"I got our masks," Damien stated, I slowly turned to look at him and he had a silver box on his lap.

"Where you get them?" I asked looking at the shiny silver box with curiosity.

"Boris dropped them off when you were getting ready.." He says.

"Open it I'm eager to see," I tell him and he proceeds to do so.

He unlocks the box and pushes the lid up revealing two beautiful masks. One was a silver and the other one was black. The silver one had a lot of diamonds on it and the black one nothing.

"I'm guessing the black one is mine," Damien says as he takes it with caution.

"And the silver one belongs to me," I take it and put it on.

"You want me to tie it up for you?" He offers and I nod.

He holds the two lace strings and pulls them back behind my head. He lights it up and I thanked him.

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