Chapter 40 - Apology Not Accepted

463 24 24

   May 5, 1998
WARNING: Contains Graphic Content. READ WITH CAUTION!

Author's POV

"Ginuwine where are you taking me?", a blind-folded Mariah said with an attitude.

"Hold on we're almost there", Ginuwine said as he guided her through the hallways of their apartment.

Soon, they stopped at the spare room next to their bedroom and Ginuwine opened the door but left the light off.

He untied the blindfold but instructed Mariah to keep her eyes closed.

"Ginuwine", Mariah whined, impatiently wanting to see what the surprise was.

(Damn, she's impatient as hell)

Ginuwine turned on the light and told Mariah to open her eyes.

As soon as she opened them, she immediately began crying.

Ginuwine had surprised Mariah with a completed nursery for their son.

"Ginuwine this is beautiful", Mariah said as she looked around the room.

"Ginuwine this is beautiful", Mariah said as she looked around the room

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"I tried my best", he chuckled

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"I tried my best", he chuckled.

"When did you find the time to put everything together?", Mariah said as she walked over to the crib that was filled with blankets and stuffed animals that were all different shades of blue.

"Well, I found an interior designer that helped me plan everything, then I invited Tim and Static to help put everything together", Ginuwine said.

"What do you think of your new room baby boy?", Mariah said sweetly as she put her hand on her stomach, waiting for him to kick.

"Babe, he can't see anything but darkness", Ginuwine laughed.

"Shut up. What should we name him?"

"Prince Ginuwine would be the perfect name for him."

"No Ginuwine, be serious about this", Mariah said crossing her arms.

"Well what do you have in mind?", he asked as he pulled her into him.

•Sweetheart• (Ginuwine X Mariah Carey)Where stories live. Discover now