Chapter 29 Stress

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January 11, 1998

Author's POV  (Tokyo, Japan)

"Thank you so much Tokyo! I enjoyed ya!", Mariah waved to her fans and then exited the stage.

She had just finished the first of twelve shows of her Butterfly World Tour and she was already exhausted.

Mariah made her way back to her dressing room, sat down in front of the large makeup mirror, and took a good look at herself.

I hope I did good tonight, she thought as she stared at her reflection.

The past few days had been hard for her and it didn't help that she didn't have Ginuwine by her side for comfort.

If only he was here…….

"Surprise surprise!", a voice said interrupting Mariah's thoughts.

It was Janet.

"Hey Jan. What are you doing here?", Mariah said faking a smile.

"I came to see the opening show duh", she giggled.

"Did I do good?"

"Hell yeah Mariah. What's wrong?", Janet asked concerned. She could tell that Mariah had something on her mind.

"Oh.... um nothing", she lied.

"Don't lie to me. You miss Ginuwine don't you?"

How the hell did she know, Mariah thought.

"Well yeah…….and I've been feeling a little weird lately too."

"Well we can talk about that after you shower because you smell ripe right about now", Janet laughed.

"I know I was just about to get in the shower but then you came in", Mariah said embarrassed.

"Well go, I'll wait out here."

After thirty minutes Mariah was done showering and her and Janet were now heading back to her hotel room in Mariah's limo to talk.

Once, they arrived at her room, she unlocked the room door and immediately went to go lay down on one of the king sized beds.

"So what's wrong?", Janet asked as she sat down on the other bed.

"I've just been so tired lately. No matter what I do, it just feels like I have no energy", Mariah groaned.

"Maybe you need to get more rest? Are you having trouble sleeping?"

Because if you are I can help with that. I'll put yo fine ass to sleep in a quickness, Janet thought as she looked at Mariah.

"I've been sleeping more than enough, but I felt like I struggled through the show tonight because I was so tired."

"Maybe you're just stressed."

"Yeah that could be it. I really wish Ginuwine was here. I miss cuddling with him at night."

"Well you could cuddle with me", Janet blurted out.

She didn't mean to say it but the words fell out of her mouth anyway.

"What?", Mariah asked confused.

"You really need rest Mariah. Let me just lay with you till you fall asleep", Janet said trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Well okay", Mariah said as she got under the covers.

Janet came over and laid down next to her.

She pulled Mariah close, laid her head down on her chest, and began gently stroking her hair.

•Sweetheart• (Ginuwine X Mariah Carey)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon