Chapter 31- It Takes Two

411 20 9

February 11, 1998
Unedited. Enjoy!

Author's POV  (Sydney, Australia)

"When are we going to tell everybody about the baby?", Ginuwine asked.

"Ginuwine really? I didn't call you to talk about that", Mariah said with an attitude.

It had been more than a week since Mariah found out she was pregnant and she was still denying it on and off. One minute she was happy about it, the next minute she was mad and wanted nothing to do with it.

"Our baby isn't a that or an it", he said.

"Anyways….how was your day?", Mariah said as she tried to change the subject.

Ginuwine was just about fed up with Mariah's antics and was trying his hardest not to snap on her. He never thought she would act this way towards their baby.

"You didn't answer my question."

"What question?", she bit, causing Ginuwine to take a deep breath and bite his tongue.

"When are we going to tell everybody about the baby?"

"Ginuwine I gotta go", she said, getting ready to hang up the phone.

"No stay yo ass on the damn phone!", he yelled.

"I'm tired you acting like that baby growing inside of you, our baby, doesn't exist!", he continued. I don't know what yo fucking problem is, but you need to get over it Mariah! That baby is a gift from God, you outta be grateful for him/her!"

Ginuwine had never yelled at Mariah before, but he wasn't going to let her just dismiss their child like him/her wasn't there.

"Ginuwine I'm sorry! I'm just so scared", Mariah said as she broke down in tears.

"What the hell are you scared of?"

"I'm scared that I'm going to be a bad mother okay? I don't know to care for a baby. I don't want my child to get teased because they're mixed. I just don't want him or her to turn out l-like......... me", she sobbed.

"Mariah I think you're going to be a beautiful mother, and we can learn how to take care of him/her before they are born so we can be ready for when they get here. Our child isn't going to get teased either, they'll probably have plenty of friends", he said, slowly calming down.

"And you said that you've always wanted a family to call your own, right?"

"Yes", Mariah sniffled.

"Well this is your chance. It'll me, you, and the baby. Our own little family."

"Are you sure Ginuwine?", she cried.

"Yes Mariah, and I'm sorry for yelling at you but I just want you to be positive about this. I don't want you to be in denial over something so special", he said.

"I know, I know Ginuwine, all of this is just so new to me. I just don't know what to do."

"It's new to me too, but we can do this together babygirl. I'm going to be with you every step of the way during this pregnancy."

"Do you promise?", Mariah asked.

"Hell yeah. I'm the one that put that baby inside of you so of course I'm gonna be there."

"How do you always make me feel better?", she asked as she dried her tears.

"Because I've been knowing you for the past 10 and a half months", he laughed.

"Wow it's only been 10 months and I'm pregnant already?", she said sarcastically.

"Mariah don't start."

"I'm not…'s just that I think we moved a little too fast", she sighed.

"I don't think we moved too fast at all, especially if this was meant to happen."

"The day we met all the way up until the night we conceived our baby, all of that was meant to be", he continued.

"When did we conceive our baby? I wonder", Mariah said.

"I don't know, that's why we need to go to a doctor as soon as possible so we can see how far along you are and to see if the baby is healthy."

"I'm on tour until the end of the month though."

"Well we can both find a doctor and see if they are able to come to where you are and of course I'll be there too."

"Well okay, sounds like a plan", Mariah yawned.

"I see you're getting tired. I guess I'll talk to you tommorow babygirl."

"I love you Ginuwine", Mariah said.

"I love you too", he said and they both hung up the phone.

Mariah put her cellphone down on the nightstand and started thinking about what Ginuwine told her.

Maybe this baby isn't such a bad thing

Ginuwine said he'll be there for me

I wonder what he/she will look like……probably just like Ginuwine

I kinda hope it's a girl…….or maybe a boy?

Hopefully he/she likes me

I can't believe I'm going to be a mommy

If only I knew my real parents…….I wonder what they look like

I wonder why they abandoned me like that? Oh Mariah you've been asking yourself that same question for years

Maybe I should go to sleep now

Mariah got under the covers, made herself comfortable, turned off the light, and tried to go to sleep but she couldn't stop thinking about the baby that was growing inside of her.

The thought of it made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. Something she had never felt before.

I can't believe I actually denied you an hour ago and now I love you, uhh these mood swings are getting crazy, Mariah thought as she rested her hand on her stomach.

Goodnight baby, she smiled and dozed off to sleep.


Can I get some feedback on this chapter? It's very much appreciated😊


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