Chapter 36 - The Roof

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March 27, 1998

Author's POV

"Happy anniversary babygirl, I hope you've enjoyed your day so far", Ginuwine said to Mariah.

It was the night of Mariah's 28th birthday/ anniversary and she had spent the whole day getting pampered and showered in gifts by Ginuwine.

Now, they were on the rooftop of their apartment building looking at the night sky and enjoying each other's company.

"Yeah, I've had so much fun today, but you don't have to keep buying me all that expensive stuff though", Mariah said.

"I just wanna keep you happy."

"Babe those things don't make me happy, you make me happy. I appreciate the gifts but you don't have to buy them all the time. You should know that", she explained.

"Okay I won't then", he smiled.

"Thank you. You're everything I need and want", Mariah said and then pecked him on the lips.

"At this same exact time last year, we barely knew other. Isn't that crazy?", Ginuwine laughed.

"Yeah and I was so confused as to why you're were trying to talk to me", Mariah smiled.


"Mhm, I wasn't really interested in you at first, I was just a little curious about you."

"Wow, so you didn't have any feelings for me at first?"

"No I didn't, I just thought you were being friendly", Mariah giggled.

"I knew I wanted you to be mine when I first saw you run into that glass door", Ginuwine chuckled.

"Shut up! You don't know how embarrassing that was for me", she as smacked his arm.
"I started to like you shortly before you asked me to go on a date with you. I swear when you took me to that amusement park, it was the most fun I had ever had in my life, literally."

"That was really fun for me too because I got to spend time with yo beautiful ass", Ginuwine smiled causing Mariah to giggle.

"I remember when you kissed me on the ferris wheel that night, it made my whole body heat up and I didn't get any sleep that night", she confessed.

"So is that what that song "Babydoll" is about on your album?", he asked.

"No, that was a whole other situation", Mariah blushed in embarassment.

She's so cute when she turns red, Ginuwine thought as he looked at her.

"Well can you tell me about that situation?"

"Um well sure.....but don't laugh."

"I won't."

"Okay well I was in Puerto Rico filming the "Honey" music video and I think you were California at the time."

"Yeah I was", he said and then let Mariah continue.

"I had finally finished shooting the video and I was just in my hotel room stressing myself out because I missed you so much. I couldn't stop thinking about you......and well it made me sexually frustrated, so I wrote a song on how I was feeling.", Mariah admitted.

"So basically I made you wet everytime you thought about me?", he chuckled.

"Yes", she said as her cheeks turned redder than they already were. "We hadn't had sex yet at the time and I was curious. I thought a lot about our first time together and how it was gonna feel when we made love for the first time."

"Well you know how it feels now. Hm, the way you be moaning, screaming, and hitting high notes says it all", Ginuwine said.

"Really?", Mariah deadpanned and squinted her eyes at him.


She didn't respond, she just looked up at the night sky and counted the stars, her hand gently resting on her baby bump.

They sat in silence for twenty minutes before Ginuwine decided to ask Mariah something that would change her whole evening.


"Yes Ginuwine?", she looked him.

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I?", Mariah frowned.

"I just wanted to say that you're an amazing woman Mariah. Waking up every morning and having you next to me still doesn't feel real. Last year, I would've never thought I'd even be with you and now you're carrying my child. I feel like the luckiest man on earth to have you by my side as my queen and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."

"Ginuwine what's this abou-"

"Mariah Angela Carey, will you marry me?", Ginuwine said as he got on his knees, pulled a small jewlrey box out of his pocket and opened it, revealing a large diamond ring.

"Mariah Angela Carey, will you marry me?", Ginuwine said as he got on his knees, pulled a small jewlrey box out of his pocket and opened it, revealing a large diamond ring

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[A/N: It was hard as hell to find a good looking ring💀]

"G-Ginuwine I-", Mariah stuttered as tears formed in her eyes.

She was speechless and couldn't believe that he was actually proposing to her right now.

"Is it a yes or a no?", he smiled.

"Yes", she struggled to say as she started crying.

Ginuwine took her hand in his, slid the ring onto her left ring finger, and pulled her into a hug.

"Shhh babygirl don't cry, I love you", Ginuwine said as she cried into his chest.

This made Mariah hold on to him tighter. She never wanted to let go of him or this moment.

Ginuwine held onto her until she suddenly pulled away from him and put her hand on her stomach.

"Mariah what's wrong?", he asked, immediately concerned about her.

"I think the baby just moved", Mariah said as she took his hand and placed it on her baby bump.

He felt tiny movements under the palm of his hand and almost instantly a smile appeared on his face.

"How does that feel?", Ginuwine asked.

"Like love", Mariah sniffled.

She then climbed into his lap and pulled him into a deep, lingering kiss.

"I can't wait to start this new life with you", Mariah said as they came up for air.

"Me too. I can't wait to be your husband", Ginuwine grinned.

"I can't wait to be your wife.........."


You guys weren't expecting that were you?

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