Chapter 30 (Part 2)- Under the Weather

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January 26, 1998

Author's POV  (Brisbane, Australia)

"Is this her room?", Ginuwine whispered to Celeste.

"Yeah, but go in quietly. I think she's still sleeping", Celeste said.

Ginuwine had just arrived in Brisbane no less than thirty minutes ago. He was tired after the long and unexpected overnight flight, but he knew he had to make sure that his babygirl was okay.

He stuck the key in the card slot, quietly opened the door, and walked into her presidential suite.

He walked down the hallway to where the bedroom was and opened the door.

Damn, if she wasn't sick I would-……..let me stop, Ginuwine thought as he looked at Mariah, who was fast asleep on the large bed.

"Um…..I guess I'll go now", Celeste said and quickly left the room.

Ginuwine got on the bed and gently laid Mariah on his chest, causing her to wake up.

"Ginuwine?", Mariah said sleepily.

"It's me babygirl."

"Oh I missed you so much baby", she began to cry. "I don't really feel good."

"I heard, that's why I came", he said as he tightly wrapped his arms around her.

They laid in silence, just happy to be in each other's presence.

Everything was good until all of a sudden, Mariah popped up, pulled herself from Ginuwine's arms, and ran to the bathroom.

Ginuwine quickly followed behind her and watched as she ran to the toilet and started throwing up.

"It's okay, let it out", he said as he walked over and gently began rubbing her back.

When she was finished, she brushed her teeth, and let Ginuwine carry her back to bed.

"I'm so tired of being sick", Mariah groaned as she laid on Ginuwine's chest.

"How long has this been going on?", Ginuwine asked.

"This has been happening for four days and each day seems to be getting wor-", Mariah said but was interrupted when puke began flying out of her mouth like projectile.

Ah damnit, that was my favorite shirt, Ginuwine thought.

Celeste came back into the room just in time to see what was going on and was immediately disgusted by all of the puke that covered Ginuwine and the bedsheets.

He immediately got up and took his shirt off so that he could help Mariah.

"Um I think I know what's wrong with Mariah", Celeste squeaked.

"What do you think it is?", he said.

"Mariah, sweetie when was the last time you had your period?"

"I don't know. I don't really keep track of it like I should", she struggled to answer.

Sharp pains started shooting through her lower abdomen, making it nearly impossible for her to speak.

"Try to remember."

"I-it w-was like t-the beginning of D-December."

"Ginuwine I think Mariah might be pregnant, but she'll have to take a pregnancy test to see if she is or not", Celeste said.

"No! I can't be! This has to be a stomach bug or something", Mariah groaned but Ginuwine quickly shushed her.

"Well here's some cash", Ginuwine said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "Go get some tests and you've been working really hard so go get yourself some lunch after you bring them back. I'll stay here and get Mariah all cleaned up."

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