Chapter 4 (Part 2) Mariah's Anniversary

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Mariah's POV

"So when were you going to tell me about Ginuwine?", Brat asked as we sat down at one of the tables in Gino's Pizza Palace.

"He's just a new friend of mine." 

"Mmhm", Brat said grinning at me.

"He is.", I said trying my hardest to keep a serious face.

Even though I barely knew Ginuwine, I had a bad crush on him. It was almost like a schoolgirl crush. But I knew he probably didn't feel the same way and was only talking to me to be nice. Hell, if I didn't run into that glass door, we probably wouldn't be talking at all.

"Something tells me you're lying."

"Brat I'm not lying."

"Hi my name is Ana and I will be your server for today, can I start you guys off with some beverages?", a woman with blonde hair and brown eyes said as she approached our table.

"Yes I'll have an iced lemonade."

"I'll have a sprite." Brat said.

"Okay and would you guys like any appetizers?"

"Yeah, can we get a huge basket of mozzarella sticks with marinara sauce?"

"Sure, is that all for now?" she said while writing the order down on her notepad.


"Okay, your appetizer and beverages should be here shortly."

"Okay thanks."

She walked away and we continued our conversation.

"So where did y'all meet?", Brat asked.

"Well you know a couple of weeks back when I ran into that glass door at the studio?"

"Yeah I remember you telling me about that."

"Well the guy that helped me off the ground was him."

"For real? But you said you ran away from him."

"Yeah, but we met again at the American Music Awards and he introduced himself."

"Oh, well I noticed the way he was looking at you in mall earlier and I think he likes you."

"Me? No he's just trying to friendly."

"Mmhm. You know you like him."

"Just as a friend Brat." I lied trying my hardest not to grin.

Brat was about to say something but was interrupted by our server who was coming to the table with our appetizer and drinks.

"Here you go ladies. I'll be back whenever you're ready to order your pizza and if you need anything I'm just a call away."

"Okay thanks."

We began to dig in to our huge basket of delicious mozzarella sticks and marinara sauce.

"Just like the old days right?" Brat said.

"Yep, just like the old days."

Ginuwine's POV

It was close to nine o' clock at night when I got back to my apartment.

My shopping day with Aaliyah was pretty fun.It was nice to spend time with my little sis. We barely get to hang out anymore because of our hectic schedules.

Tonight I just wanted to relax and listen to some of the new music I bought today.

I know I said I wasn't going to buy anything else after that three hundred and fifty dollar jacket, but when I went into the music store, I spotted Mariah's music and I just had to get it all.

I decided that I would listen to the cd's in order, so I slid her debut album into my stereo system first.

I pressed play and a song called "Vision of Love" began to fill my apartment. Her voice sounded like pure silk as it flowed into my ears.

I finished listening to the first album in about an hour and was on the third song of her second album, when the phone began to ring.

"Who the hell could be calling this late?" I asked myself as I turned the music off and went to pick up the phone.


"Hi, it's Mariah."

Well this is a pleasant surprise.

"Oh hey Mariah, how'd you enjoy your anniversary today?"

"It was fun. I'm sorry for calling so late."

"Oh it's fine, what are you up to?'

"I'm trying to write a song for my album but I have severe writers block right now."

"Oh, well I was actually listening to one of your albums."

"Really? Which one?"

"It was the second one. I think it's called 'Emotions'."

"That's actually my least favorite, because my label forced me to do that one in such a small amount of time. I think a lot of the songs on there I could've done better, but then again I'm never satisfied with my work."

"It sounds great in my opinion."

"Well thank you." she said sweetly.

"So you write all of your own songs?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, I love to write. I've been writing songs and poems since I was very little."

"Wow that's amazing."

"Yeah writing has helped me to cope with a lot of things that have happened in my life."

"Like what?"

"I don't really like to talk about it. Besides I don't want you feeling sorry for me."

"Well I'm sure it can't be that bad. I won't judge you."

"No really I don't wanna talk about it." she said sounding slightly uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry for pushing the subject." I said feeling a little bad.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have brought it up."

There was an awkward silence between us for about the longest two minutes of my life.

"Well I better get back to writing." she said breaking the silence.


"Alright well talk to you later."

"Hey wait." I said before we hung up.


"I was thinking we could hang out some time?"

"Sure I would love to. I just have to look at my schedule."

"Well okay goodnight and happy anniversary once again."

"Thanks and goodnight to you too."

Hey guys you don't know how long it took me to write this part. I haven't really had any good ideas lately. I'm really going to need your help for chapter 5. I want to bring Mariah and Ginuwine closer together and I need some suggestions so feel free to comment. Whoevers I idea I like best will have the chapter dedicated to them. Also don't forget to vote!

Love M💖💖💖

•Sweetheart• (Ginuwine X Mariah Carey)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin