Chapter 22 Part 2 Halloween

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October 31, 1997

Author's POV

Ginuwine and Mariah finally arrived at the party after the long thirty minute ride to the venue.

Their driver pulled the limo up to the entrance and got out to open the door for them.

"Are you ready?", Mariah said to Ginuwine.

"Yeah, are you?"

"Yeah, I guess", she said back.

The driver opened the door and Ginuwine got out first so that he could help Mariah get out.

As expected, there were screaming fans and paparazzi everywhere snapping pictures of them and yelling out crazy questions.

"Mariah is it true that you and Ginuwine are secretly married?!"

"Ginuwine what's the next single on your album?!"

"Mariah are you pregnant with Ginuwine's baby?!"

"I love you Mariah!", one of her screaming fans screamed at the top of their lungs.

"Ginuwine be my baby daddy!!!", another fan yelled.

The security team they hired for the event helped them get through the large crowd and into the building.

Once they were in safely, they were ushered into the nearest elevator.

"That was crazy", Ginuwine said as they made their way up to the third floor.

"I know right, I haven't been caught up in that large of a crowd since the American Music Award earlier this year", Mariah said.

"Mariah I know, I was there", Ginuwine chuckled.

Mariah deadpanned.

"Well I don't remember you", she said with sarcasm.

"You better behave tonight", Ginuwine said as he smacked her ass.

"And what if I don't?", Mariah challenged.

"You'll see."

The elevator doors opened and they made their way to the large room they booked for the party.

By the time they got there, the room was already filled with all their friends they'd invited and the music was blasting.

"G it's about time y'all got here, we was waiting on y'all", Tim said.

"Sorry man we got caught in the large crowd outside", Ginuwine said.

"Oh, it wasn't that bad when me and Static got here."

"Um hi Miss Mariah", Tim said as he redirected his attention to Mariah.

"Hi", Mariah smiled.

"Bitch we were looking for you!!", Brat yelled to Mariah as her and Aaliyah walked over to them.

Brat was dressed in a Ghostbusters suit while Aaliyah was dressed as an angel.

"We just got here", Mariah chuckled.

"Aww y'all are wearing matching costumes", Aaliyah said.

"It was my idea", Mariah said and then smiled at Ginuwine.

"Well come on girls let's go dance", Brat said as she pulled both Aaliyah and Mariah over to the dance floor leaving Ginuwine with Tim.

Ginuwine's POV

"I see you got Miss Mariah glowing like the sun. No wonder why you don't wanna hang out with the boys anymore, y'all probably be having sex all day", Tim laughed.

"It didn't take much to get her glowing like that", I said.

"Whatchu' mean?", Tim asked.

"I hate to say this but Mariah doesn't have that much experience when it comes to sex. She has a sexy ass body but she doesn't know how to use it. Ever since we started having sex, we just been stuck in the same position."

"So I'm guessing y'all been stuck in  missionary huh?"


"Aw man that's the worst one in my opinion."

"I wanna try new things with her but I wanna make sure she's comfortable first."

"Man if I was you I would be bending her little skinny ass in all types of positions", Tim laughed.

"I wish I could but she's so damn sensitive. I'm not tryna hurt her."

"Lemme guess, y'all probably over here talking about Mariah", Static said as he walked over to us with a drink in his hand.

"How you know?", Tim asked.

"Because that's the only thing you talk about. Me and Ginuwine both know you secretly wanna smash", he said to Tim.

"Oh hell nah, that's G's woman. I'm tryna get Aaliy-", he said and then paused looking at me.

"Were you about to say my sister?", I asked.

"Oh nah I was talking about somebody else", he said quickly but I could tell he was lying.

Tim was my homeboy and all but if I find out he's messing with my baby sister then imma have to beat his ass.

"So who were you talking about then?", Static asked Tim trying to egg the situation on.

"Some girl named Alicia", he answered very unsure of himself.

"That's what I thought."


Stay tuned for part 3. It might be long asf but it will be juicy.

Till next week,

Love M💖💖💖

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