Chapter 19 Morning

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"We had the kind of night where morning comes too soon. We used the light from a flickering candle across the room to make the kind of shadows that only one thing could make............Love"

                                          - Janet Jackson


September 6, 1997

Author's POV

It was now morning and the sun filled the room as Ginuwine laid in the bed and silently watched Mariah sleep as she laid on his chest, her messy curls covering most of her face and body.

It still felt like a dream to him that he actually made love to her for the first time last night, but the proof was everywhere.

From their clothes that were thrown around the room to the hickeys that were all over Mariah's body, it was no doubt that last night was an eventful one.

He continued to watch her sleep until she eventually woke up fifteen minutes later.

"Good Morning", he said as he watched her open her beautiful brown eyes.

"Good Morning", she said groggily.

Mariah moved her hair out of her face and tried to sit up, but winced in pain instead.

"What's wrong?", Ginuwine asked concerned.

"I'm sore."


"My whole body hurts."

"I told you to tell me if I was hurting you peaches."

"It's probably because I haven't done anything like that in a really, really long time and because of your size."

"You think I'm that big?"

"Yes", she giggled.

"Want me to kiss you and make you feel better?"

"Yes", she said in a high pitched baby voice.

Ginuwine began kissing her neck, causing a moan to escape from her lips.

He moved from her lips and tried to go lower to her chest but Mariah pulled the blanket closer to her.

"Why are you covering yourself up? I wanna see what's mine."

"Baby because I know what you're trying to do and I'm too sore to be trying to do round two."

"How about we take a hot shower together and then I run a bath for you so you can soak your sore muscles", Ginuwine suggested.

"That sounds really nice."

"Alright I'll go get the shower started", he said as he got out of the bed and put on his boxers.

"Hey babe before you go can you help me?", Mariah asked as she struggled to get up from the bed.

"Damn I didn't know I hurt you that bad", he said as he walked over to her side of the bed.

"Yeah you're so mean to me", she fake cried.

"You weren't saying that last night."

"Oh shut up. I hate you."

"You wasn't saying that either", he chuckled.

"Will you shut up?", Mariah said as she playfully smacked his arm.

She pulled the covers off of her body revealing her naked body.

"Ginuwine look what you did to me", she said looking down at the hickeys that covered her stomach and legs.

•Sweetheart• (Ginuwine X Mariah Carey)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora