Best Kept Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Oh." She tucked a stray hair behind her ears and moved into the living room. The more time she spent with them the more confused she became. Now that she was away from the Palace and the panic had passed, she could think much more clearly. And with that clarity came the realization that she was crazy to ever think they meant her harm. The memories she recovered of her time with them over the years -though not many- showed that they had always had her best interest at heart. And now that she could believe in those memories, she wanted to find out why. Was she just a friend to them? And what about her? Did she ever want them to be more?

As she moved around the house, she continued to cast fugitive glances their way whenever their own gazes were turned. She couldn't imagine not having romantic feelings for them. At least from a physical standpoint. They were beautiful men. And she'd be lying if she said she hadn't been wondering what it would be like to at least be kissed by them. But without her full memories back, and just these broken snippet of a person she didn't know, she didn't feel anything for them emotionally. At least not consciously.

Sighing, she continued her perusal and finally pushed open a door that revealed a bedroom. It was hers. She knew from her memories that it was her favorite place in this house. Walking in, she looked around at the neatly made bed and organized dresser and wondered if this was how she had left it or if someone had come by since her absence and cleaned up. She felt their presence before she heard them and stopped to marvel at how deep their bond with her ran, that even in this state, she still felt so connected. But, she had to do this alone.

Turning, she watched them hovering uncertainly in the doorway and bit her lip to hold back a chuckle. They looked so awkward, so..out of their element. She knew this must be killing them. Watching her try to familiarize herself with things that should be common knowledge and not being able to help. "Um, you guys don't have to stay. Actually, I'd kind of like to look around my room alone...just so that I'm not distracted."

They stiffened, but Dean was the first to speak up. "We distract you?" he asked with a smirk, leaning against the door frame. For probably the third time today, her face flushed and she couldn't help smiling. "Are you always this cocky? Or do I just bring out the worst in you?" she teased, walking towards them. William gave a soft laugh and shook his head. "You're giving him too much credit. He'd have to have a best for you to bring out the worst." he muttered dryly.

Dean cast him an annoyed glare and crossed his arms. "Funny, I don't remember her asking you, Wikipedia."

"Wow, good for you. You learned a big word!" William applauded.

She tried to choke back a laugh but couldn't help the fit of giggles that burst out. They slowly died down when she realized they had stopped speaking altogether and were staring at her in varying degrees of surprise.

Their looks turned sheepish and they both cracked hesitant smiles.

"We want to stay. But we'll give you some space. This must be overwhelming." William finally answered.

She nodded and found herself looking down at her feet. "Very much so."

She felt someone's hand tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear but was way too nervous to look up to see who it was.

"We understand KitKat. We'll be downstairs if you need us."

They pulled the door closed behind them and then their footsteps sounded down the hall. Getting further and further away.

Lana turned back to the room and glanced at it once more. Time to find out what kind of person she really was.

* * *

A yawn left Melody's lips as she descended the stairs of her family home and headed into the kitchen. She barely got any sleep and would rather spend the day in bed, but hunger called. Scratching her head, she had no doubts she was creating more knots but she couldn't muster up the energy to care.

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