Driving down the road of your neighborhood,you remind Malo of your question.

Where should we eat?

She thinks for a little,before raising her finger up. "Ţow͜ņ ͡in͢n̨?̀".

You looked at Malo confused. "Town inn?".

"Y͠ea,t͠he̵ o̕n͘e̸ ̡pl͢ace̡ ̕w͜e went̴ ͢f̨or͠ bre̶ak̨f̶as̀t̡ á ̡wh̷ile ̨ag͡o".

You quickly realized what Malo was trying to say. It wasn't "Town Inn.",it was "Village inn.".

"Oh VILLAGE inn.,yea sure".

You eventually turn onto the main road. Malo begins to roll her window down,and then pops her head out once she had room. She usually did this when you guys went on car rides,so you weren't really alarmed by it. You were fine with her doing it since she wasn't horse-riding the window seal. As well as her looking like a dog when doing it,giving you a chuckle.

The wind blew her hair back and made her ears flap as she smiled in joy. Luckily Malo wasn't in her "Human Disguise" and was just plain invisible,since she was now up out of her seat and holding herself out the window. Malo kept herself balanced,only with her upper-half out,and holding onto the window seal. She opened her mouth to let the wind blast inside,just as you turned to view her in her moment. You laughed.

"Malo you look like a dog!",you yelled.

She heard and backed up inside the car to respond. "Wha͏t̶'̧s͝ a̧ do͜g?".

"What's a dog!?".

You were immediately shocked when Malo said that,especially with such legitimacy.

"You don't know what a dog is?",You say with a surprised look.

Malo responds with a simple "Ń̛͜ó͏".

"Wolf?","Fox?","Coyote?". Malo replied to each of these listings by shaking her head. You sat dumbfounded,but also incredibly anxious to let her know about the one animal that matches her the most.

"Holy shit. When we get to Village inn. I need to show you". You finish and turn your head back around to continue driving.

But then you force your foot on the brakes as your car quickly approaches a stopped one. You are jumped up and  off your seat,but not too badly. Though not the same for Malo as you could see her fly up and hit her head on the upper half of the glass.

Luckily,the car comes to a halt just before any collsion is made.

You immediately tend to Malo,who was holding the spot on her head that she hit.

"Malo are you ok?". You place your hand on her shoulder as she backs up,making some small grunts of pain. You motion her to take her hand off the spot,revealing a crack on her skull.

It wasn't that open,but still completely concerning to see. Malo rolls her eyes up at you.

"W̢hàt͠ ͜d͝oe͏s ̢it̡ l̕o̷ok like?".

Female SCP-1471 x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now