Fluri continues for a little bit longer,finishing up with explaining the last few things she forgot to mention. Finishing for real now,she stands up and gives Malo a goodbye,and coincidentally leaves right after you get out of bed.

You were wondering who Malo was talking to while you were resting,and ended up getting up out of curiosity. You walked out the door to your bedroom just as Fluri closes the door to the house. Malo walks towards the fridge as you come down the stairs. You reach the last step,noticing Malo. You give her a quick "Goodmorning",and she gives one back. "Who was just here?". You say as Malo pulls out some orange juice. "Oh ̕th́át͠ ̵w͠a͜s͞ ̷o̧u̶r͞ ḿan͟a̛gèr̡ f͡or͞ ̀the͞ ̛pro̵gram̀ ͠t͝hat͜ ͝w̸e'̶r̸e͘ d͘o̢in̢ǵ".

"We have a manager?".

Malo closes the fridge door with a slightly confused expression. "Ye͡a͘ ̡th̕a̵t͟'̴s w̡h͠át̀ ͘I ̢thought,makes͝ ͘th͢is͠ ͝w̸ho͞l͞e ͢thing wi̷t̨h̀ ̀t̢h͝e ͡p͝r̛o̶g̀ra̕m͡ se̵em̷ p͢re̡t͘ty ser̷ious". Malo says as she walks towards a cabinet. "Yea I was thinking. Doesn't this whole thing seem.. Mandatory?". Malo opens the overhead cabinet. "We͏ll͝ ͘t͏h͜is͏ who̡le̕ t͘h͡i͜n͢g ́i͡s̀ in̴ c̛onne̷ctio͞n wit͞h̴ ̷t̢he ̶go͝v̕e̴rme̶nt i͝sn'̛t̶ it?,sounds͝ ̨li̛ke w̧e s͜hould be ̧d̢o̵i͜n͞g t͜his". You go and sit down. "Yea that's true.. but still. Just seems weird since we're being pulled into this". You say to Malo as she collects a glass from the cabinet,taking it to the counter across from you. She begins pouring. "I͜ d̡on̷'t̢ think i̶t͠s ̧tha̡t ̵b͟iǵ òf͜ ̸a d̢ea͡l͝ hoǹe͢stl̷y. I ͝r̡a̧t̀he͏r ̷go ̸a̕ĺo͏n̢g̵ w̢íth̛ ̨it͏ bec͘aùs͠e̢ ̀I ̸f́e̸eĺ l̕ikę th͞ey̵ ͢a͘r̡é go̴nna c͝ap͢tưr͟e̸ me ͢if we don't,ánd t͞hen.. ̶I d͏ont k͟nòw,diss͜ec͡t̴ ͝m͘e ̛o͜r s͞om̧e͞t͠hing",Malo says jokingly. You both laugh at the ridiculous thought. But Malo quickly starts coming to a conclusion which pulls her from laughing,and makes her eyes widen and ears perk up. "Wait̨ ͟w͡h̵at̵ if t͝h̷e͢y̧ ̕do-͘d̕o͞ t̛hat͏?". Malo's comment made you huff out a giggle through your nose. Malo jogs around towards you,hugging into you with her head planted on your side. "Do̷n͞'͘t ̵le͞t͞ ́t̕hem̨ tak̨e͏ ́me (Y/N)!̀". Malo says playfully. You chuckle,and wrap your arm around her. "I got you,don't worry". Malo giggles. She looks up at you. "Ca̧n͜ ͢wę go get som͜e b̀re̴akf͏ás͡t̴?". You look down at her with a slightly resented face. "Why not cook it?". Malo digs her head back into your side. "I̴'̢m̧ t͢i̡r̡e͟d. ̡Pl̕us̶ ̡I h͏a͜v͏e̢n̨'͏t b͢e͠en out͢ ̶of t͟h̛e ̛house͏ in ̢a whi͡le͢. Wa̕nna͡ at least h͜a͠v̴e̶ ͜s͘o̢me s͡or͜t of̵ ̵f͜re͝s͞h̶ ͜ai̢r". You lightly sigh,contemplating if you wanna go out or not,since you do feel a little tired. Malo notices that you have a tight contemplation,and makes a puppy-eyed face. "Pleąse??͏".

You spot it,staring at her for a good 4 seconds before you eventually gave in. You sigh,then smile. "Alright". Malo smiles as well and hugs your side. "Ya͝y!̢". Malo gets off you and walks to the stairs,just as you were about to ask..

"Wait Malo,where do you wanna go?". Malo stops and goes into thought. "Um.̷.".

She smiles at you with her ears drooped. "C̡a͡n̸ ̵I t͝hin̶k̶ a̴b̶óut ͢it͜ ͢wh̕ȩn̸ ̕we're i̴n̡ th͟e͜ ͜c̛ar?".

"Yea sure,just remember to get into some clothes",you say as you leave your chair. Malo looks down at herself in pajamas as you walk down the hallway. You take a glance at her,and noticed. You could tell what she was thinking about. "You can't take your pajamas". Malo glares at you. She sighs,looking back at herself. "Dàn̨g i͘t".

Female SCP-1471 x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now