"I don't want to cut my hair!" Kaylee cries. "Well what you want me to do Kay we can't leave it uneven." I say stringing her hair. "Put it in a pony tail." She says. "No, your getting it cut Kaylee, because if I let you grow the rest out it's going to be uneven, and you not gone wanna cut it then. So your getting it cut today." I say. She keeps on crying . "You gone cut it yourself?" Kyree asks.

"No im about to take her to my hairstylist." I say. "Aight, call me when you get done." He says. "Where's Yo Uncle at?" I ask. No, me and Kyro aren't together because Kyro and Kyree got into a big ass fight when Kyro found out Kyree had feelings for me.

I decided that I wasn't gonna be in a relationship with Kyro if it meant breaking him and Kyree up. But that didn't stop nothing cause they barely even talk anymore. Roscoe can't even get them to be cool anymore, and I kind of feel guilty.

"You know I don't fuck with that nigga." Kyree says waving his hand at me. I sign. "I really wish y'all would be back cool." I say running my fingers through my hair. "Go out to my car." Kyree demands his girlfriend. "Kayla why is you bringing that shit up in front of her?" Kyree asks.

"I was just saying and I didn't tell you to bring her to my house." I say. "What's the point of you asking where he is, if you know we don't fuck with each other?" He asks sounding irritated. Grace comes downstairs. "You better lower your fucking voice at her before I kick your damn ass!" Grace says picking Kaylee up and taking her upstairs with her.

"I just wish y'all would make up." I say as tears come from my eyes. "I don't see that shit happening no time soon or ever Kayla." He says making me cry. "Stop crying Kay." Kyree says bring me into a hug. "It's my fault." I cry. "No it's not Kayla. Stop crying, G." Kyree says.

"I'm sorry!" I say. "Kayla. It's not yo fault. Aight?" He asks me. "No. It is my fault. Y'all use to be so close and now y'all don't even talk because of me." I cry hugging him back. "Kayla.." He begins to say. "No, because I know how it feels to lose a bond with somebody you really care about." I say wiping my tears.

He grabs me by my chin lifting my head up. He brings his lips closer to mine kissing me. I open my mouth allowing him to put his tongue in my mouth. I hear a car screech from outside, I try to pull away but Kyree deepens it. The door flys open. "Bruh you kissing her again!" Kyro yells.

He rushes over to Kyree and start punching him as he starts punching back. I try to break them apart but end up getting punched in my lip from one of them. Kyro picks Kyree up and dunks him into the lamp. Kyree gets back up punching. Grace comes down from the room. We pull Kyro from Kyree.

"Nigga Why you keep on putting yo lips on my girl nigga?" Kyro yells as I hold him back. "Nigga fuck you. Kayla don't want you nigga." Kyree calmly says. "Nigga you sound stupid!" Kyro says. "Who done kissed her 2 times though? The only thing you get is a hug and a pat on the back, whack ass nigga." Kyree says in a chuckle.

Kyro try's to get at Kyree again. "I'm about to beat both of y'all asses, y'all busted Kayla's lip!" Grace yells. "Kayla why is you kissing him again?" Kyro yells. "I'm bout to go. Kayla don't forget to call me." Kyree says making his way by the door. "I'll walk you out." Grave says opening the door.

"Kyro." I say. "Don't Kyro me. Kayla you kissed him again! I thought me and you had something! You dropped me cause you didn't wanna hurt his feelings but that nigga gotta whole girlfriend out her! He ain't worried bout you I am! He only tryna get between yo legs and you still protecting his feelings! If you got feelings for him you shoulda been told me that shit after I caught you and him kissing the first time instead of waisting 2 years of my time with you!" Kyro yells.

"Kyro I swear I didn't kiss him this time." I say. He chuckles. "You know how good that would've sound to him?" Kyro asks. I can tell he's mad he over here chuckling and shit. "I'm done playing games with you son. You either wanna be with me or not." Kyro says. "Kyro What?" I ask not knowing what to say. "Let me break it down for you. You either gone be my girl, or we not cause other than that I don't see no other reason to be here." He says. "Why can't we just be friends?" I ask in tears.

Ups and Downs: Can't Run From PainWhere stories live. Discover now