115 | this time around, i'll be better.

Start from the beginning

You, confused and still quiet, shimmied over to him and laid against his chest, hand resting over where his heart would be and eyes closing momentarily. Things were still silent for a while longer, just the feeling of Damien's warm hand on your arm, your hand on his heart and your head against his chest.

Then, the silence cracked and shattered at his whisper, "Thank you."

Your eyes opened and you looked at his feet, whispering back, "Thank you?"

"For everything," he replied, fingers beginning to brush against your arm. "Every time I call, you answer and accept. Every time I come over here, you always do exactly what I want, you always know what to do. So thank you, for just being there for me."

"Yeah, of course," you said quietly, looking up at him from his chest. "Do you just wanna sleep tonight? I've already got pajamas on."

He nodded silently, standing up and unbuttoning his shirt then his pants. In moments, he was left in his underwear and socks, enticing a giggle from you.

"What?" He laughed, turning around and looking at you with tired, happy eyes.

"Your socks," you said, pointing toward his feet.

"Yeah," he said, raising an eyebrow, "what of them?"

"Are you going to take them off?"

"You must let me get there, impatient grasshopper," he mocked, his slight accent peering through with his words.

You threw your hands up in surrender and smiled happily. Damien chuckled and toed his socks for a second before just pulling them off. By the time he turned around, you had already pulled the covers back and were lying on your side of the bed. He smiled lazily and shimmied in next to you, clicking the lamp off as he did so.

There was more silence, more shuffling, and then you two were comfortable against one another and under the big comforter. Not a word was uttered as the two of you drifted into sleep, and you realized then that silence was truly the one thing that made the two of you comfortable.

No awkward conversation, no dumb jokes, no weird conversation starters. Just quiet, peace, and mutual tiredness. It was truly serenity.

That following morning, you awoke to the feeling of a warm body next to yours and longer legs entangled with your own. You opened one eye lazily, peering up at the sleeping mayor and noticing the dark circles under his eyes. You felt bad for him – that kind of workload, that kind of stress, it isn't good for anyone. Damien was the kind of guy that handled it all, that let it all build up; he never got enough sleep, never let himself take a break until it was all that he could do to stay alive.

You sighed out and pressed your face more into his pec, softly kissing it then letting yourself drift off once more.

By the time you woke up again, Damien was awake, too. He still hadn't left his spot in bed, but now his hands were dancing over your skin and clutching you to him. You took a deep breath and shifted just a bit, feeling Damien's hands only grip you a little more. You smiled coyly, afraid of opening your eyes because you didn't want to ruin the moment.

Damien whispered, "I know you're awake."

"Shhh," you teased, laughing tiredly.

"Yeah, yeah," he said, accent more apparent than ever as his voice drawled.

"Good morning," you whispered.

"Yes, yes it is," he replied, leaning forward and kissing your temple.

A few moments passed before he said, "I love you, y/n."

Your eyes snapped open and you pushed up, looking at his smiling face, "What?"

"I love you," he said a little louder. "I really, really love you."

You just stared in shock, hand pressing against his chest and heart beating furiously. He had said it, he said it and he more than likely meant it. Of course he would mean it, but he could also not, and do like he had weeks ago. He could just leave you alone, just completely faze you out of his life again.

But, he wouldn't have been smiling, and he wouldn't have stayed the night like he did if he didn't mean it. He had to have. And here you were, probably scaring the shit out of him because you're just staring at him.

"Are you..." you paused, looking down at his lips, then your own hand, "are you sure?"

There was silence for a moment or two, and then he sat up, pulling your body up with his own. A soft hand pushed against your chin, lifting your head. Your eyes took a second to drift back to his chocolate ones, and in them, you saw sincerity and happiness. But, by the look on his face, there was also a little remorse.

"Of course I do, y/n," he said quietly, eyes bouncing between your own, "of course I do." He was quiet, eyes searching yours before he let them fall along with his hand.

"Damien," you said, properly situating yourself and pushing a bit away from the man, "you can't lie to me. You can't let this be a one-time thing you do, then pull the silence shit. You did that last time, and it practically crushed me."

Everything you were saying was the truth. It crushed you. It was like you'd lost a piece of your heart. What the two of you had wasn't even supposed to evolve into anything more than a "friends with benefits" situation. Now, here you are, questioning his love for you, even though all you've ever wanted for months now was to hear those words.

Your mind was at war as he stayed quiet even longer, as if he was questioning himself, too.

But this time, you were actually awake. You were staring straight at him – he couldn't hide behind the idea of you not knowing. Even though you did know, and he did try to act like he never did that. He was just afraid that if he got too close, everything would go to shit like it always did.

Then, after a few more seconds (which felt like hours) of sitting in silence, he looked up at you and cleared his throat. "I'm a mayor, I'm someone that always has to mean what they say, back up what they do. But I'm also a man. A man of his word, a man of his actions. I hold you because I mean it, I kiss you because I need it, I admire you because I want you, I call you because I love to hear your voice, I stay loyal to you – even if we aren't official – because I fucking love you. I.. I couldn't do any of this without you. So yes, I'm pretty damn sure I love you, I really," he smiled and breathed out for a second, "really love you."

You just stared in disbelief, processing his words and drinking in their meaning. Everything about his expression, his tone, it was all sincere. He meant it this time. He really meant it. Then, with no better word to say, you just whispered, "Good."

You slowly leaned forward, pressing your forehead against his and bringing your legs over his lap. His hands rested on your back and his eyes closed. Your hands then softly grasped his cheeks, fingertips grazing shaved parts of his soft hair. There were no words spoken, just a mutual understanding that this would go a lot farther, that this, what the two of you had, was no longer just a situationship.

You pressed your lips to his, letting them meld together as he reacted almost instantly. His hands gripped your hips just a bit tighter, and your body involuntarily pressed against his as much as possible.

Maybe there had always been something more than just a beneficial situation, maybe it just happened. No matter the truth of the situation, you could only hope that what you and Damien had would never end horribly. He was too good a man to hurt you that way, you just knew it.

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