106 | coming back home

3.2K 91 41

need to know | this is just a cute fic ─ title kinda says it all.

word count | 3,003

author's note | this is a little bit of a "coming back" fic, relating just a bit to how it feels to slowly be coming back onto wattpad again. hope you guys like it!


"I'd sacrifice myself for you," he whispered into your ear. The heat of the California sun beat down on the ground ahead of you, yet the two of you were shaded by the tree towering over you. It felt right, sitting next to him, feeling his forearm against your lower back and his shoulder against your ear.

Nothing had ever felt more right.

And now, as you sat in the same spot, without him there, it felt different. It felt wrong.

He wasn't there to make a joke about the people standing around, silent and awkward. He wasn't there to make a pun on the Joshua trees, or talk about the mysteries of the stars. He wasn't there to make those really bad pickup lines, nor was he there to tell you that even though your hair was probably in the messiest bun known to man, it was still beautiful.

Your legs tangled together in the sheets, your clothed back against his bare chest and his lips softly planting themselves against the shell of your ear, your neck, your jawbone. No words were exchanged, the two of you simply taking in the sweet, solemn moment.

The hand against your hip and the fingertips tracing random patterns on your side elicited the strangest excitement in you – the strangest want you'd really ever experienced. It wasn't a type of lusting want, it wasn't something that would cause rather drastic changes in your relationship. It was just the want to have more of him, to have more of the Mark pressed against you in the early morning, and a want to have the Mark that really, really knew you.

Now, that want, it felt like something you'd never really ever experience again. Those moments, those memories, would be nothing more than fragments in your mind, reminders of days you'd thrown away for a life that would never be as good as the one you had.

All of this had started when you went on, what started as, a trip back to California. Your plan was to visit the sites one more time, bask in the environment you'd missed so dearly when you moved to New York for a couple years to help your friend Lin out with something. 

Once you decided he would be good to head out on his own, you called him and let him know that you would be taking a long overdue vacation from the crazy-busy world that was entailed with being friends with Lin. The trip to Cali was filled with laughing at your own stupidity, yelling songs of all different genres at the top of your lungs, and a few birds flipped at the idiots on the highways.

You stopped at a few stores that looked too cute or interesting to be so empty, bought a few things here and there, but for the most part, stayed your course. There were only a few nights you spent in a hotel, and at one of them, the clerk there was more than interested in your personal life, asking question after question after question when all you were trying to do was sign in for a night.

Other than that, it was probably one of the most fun times you'd had on a road trip across the nation (not that there were a lot of those). 

The smile and the happiness that embraced you when you drove across the California border was something you weren't sure was ever describable. It was like being home for the first time in decades, or the feeling of finally being able to get into a house after a long, squalling rainstorm ─ not to say that spending time with Lin was relatable to a rainstorm; he's all sunshine and rainbows.

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