70 // Captain 1.2

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sorry for such a long wait on this one, i know a lot of people wanted to see a sequel. so, here it is! (prepare for a longer one, if you're willing)

would any of you like to see a threequel to this one? just wondering 'cos i left it kinda open-ended. . .


You'd have to admit, dating the captain of the football team was pretty damn cool, and not because of the popularity. You liked being able to be on the Football field without getting dirty stares from cheerleaders, of course with an exception of the – ironically – cheer captain, Lizzie. 

She had had a major crush on Mark at one point, even dying her hair a bright red to get his attention, and even though the two of you were still happily dating, she didn't seem to enjoy it all that much.

Any time you were alone in the hallway, she would find you and shove you into the lockers, snickering with her friends afterward. And, of course, when Mark was around, and the two of you were just standing in the study hall, she wouldn't bother you; no, she would just stare at you and say hi to Mark before walking off with a sashay to her hips and a pep to her step. 

It annoyed you if you were honest, as you would expect a college student to act a little more mature than a freshman who's too bitchy for her own good.

Sighing, you continued to scribble down notes in your notebook, your mind drifting to the boy with red hair, whom of which had stolen your heart. The bell ringing had caught your attention long enough to toss you from your thoughts and into reality. 

Packing away everything on your section of the long wooden desk, you were about to put up your laptop before the lid was shut rather violently by a manicured hand and some seriously fake  french nails.

"Yes, Lizzie?" You were calm about your words, expecting this kind of thing from her by now. Your hands were resting on your bag, your foot tapping out of sight due to your impatience with her. 

"Mark is mine. Leave him alone and break up with him." You groaned, rolling your eyes and ripping your computer out from underneath her hand, causing her to lose her balance a slight bit. Zipping everything up, you still said nothing, slinging your backpack over your shoulder and grabbing the pencil that was a victim to her loss of balance, into your pocket.

You were about to walk down the aisle when she stopped in front of you, crossing her arms in front of her chest and opening her mouth to say something. "Wait, wait, wait, before you say something, I would like to kindly ask you to move your skanky, thirsty, Miley Cyrus lookin' ass out of my way so I can go home, and leave this bitch-infested area. Thanks." You gave her a little smile, pushing her out of the way and walking down the aisle and out of the classroom.

Once you were sure she wasn't following you, you did a fist pump and congratulated yourself for actually saying something, wearing a bright smile. 

As you walked to your locker to put everything away for the day, considering all you had were morning classes, you were greeted by a kiss on your cheek and red floof tickling your cheek. Giggling, you said hi to your boyfriend, turning around and kissing his lips with a small smile.

"So, babe, would you like to go get some lunch and come to my place?" Lucky for the two of you, you both had an apartment directly adjacent to the campus, meaning you didn't have to sneak into the dorms to get to each other. 

"Sounds awesome, love." You were glad to go to his apartment, considering yours look like total trash at the moment, what with you never really wanting to pick your clothes up out of pure laziness, and the dishes not being done so your sink being full of dirty Tupperware and silverware.

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