🍗Thanksgiving One-shot🍗

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As I said before, I won't be on a COMPLETE hiatus. I will still be posting one-shots, but not as frequent as I would. So, I'll be doing an Thanksgiving one-shot for SOME of my books. So do expect that some of books will get a Thanksgiving Update. Now that that was all said, lets get onto the one-shot my owling beans!
   You were now currently panicking internally. You had your phone in your hand, looking at a text your sister had sent to you.

   'Mom wanted me 2 tell u that ur invited 2 the Thanksgiving Dinner. Its going to be in 3 days so get ready. She said u could bring ur friends if you want, but mostly that lil' bf of urs~ 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'

   You blushed a little from the Lenny Face, but that still didn't stop you from thinking of all the possible bad scenarios, while contradicting yourself. 'What if they chase after Bendy? No, even worse. What if they try to kill him?! No no no no, my family wouldn't do that...UGH ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!' you thought to yourself. After that, you plopped down face-first into your pillow, since you were in your bedroom. 'I think the first thing I should do is tell Bendy and the others,' you nod to yourself and do just that. You added Bendy, Boris, Felix, Cup, and Mug (sorry I didn't add anyone else, I had to limit it to SOME and if I added, say Mickey for example, wouldn't the others get kinda upset that only he was invited? They'll feel left out (maybe not Donald, but meh)) into a group chat. (You can think of your own username >v0 i'm not going to pick it out for you, just replace it from the You)

You: Hey guys! My family is having a Thanksgiving dinner party thing and I can bring some friends! Wanna come?

   You let out a sigh as you wait for a reply. Not too long, which was about 3 minutes, you were blasted with your notification sound. 

Boris_TehWolfy: Yea, sure! I'll love 2 go! And I'm sure Bendy would 2~

   You giggled at Boris's reply and continued to read the chat.

BenduTheSmexy_Demon: BORIS LET ME ANSWER MYSELF!! sure, (Nickname) I'll go.

TheOneAndOnlyCuphead: Goochy goochy goo~

BenduTheSmexy_Demon: stfu cup

TheOneAndOnlyCuphead : make me u shortstack

Magnificent_Mugs: Guys, c'mon! U shouldnt be doing dis when Thanksgiving is around the corner! We'll go 2 the dinner (Y/n)!

Felix_The_Cat: I'll come along too ^v^

   You chuckled to yourself at the conversation and quickly responded to Mugs and Felix.

You: okeh then Fel and Muggy!

TheOneAndOnlyCuphead : wait cant i get a say? Mugs just made my choice for me -_-

   You were about to respond to him when the others quickly did.

BenduTheSmexy_Demon: no

Boris_TehWolfy : XD haha no

Magnificent_Mugs: nope 

Felix_The_Cat : apparently not XD

    You laughed out loud and told them the details of the dinner party. They all said 'ok' and the chat became silent. You giggled to yourself a little before turning off your phone and placing it on its charger on top of your nightstand. You did all the things you needed to do before drifting off into sleep.

BABTQFTIM!Bendy x Reader~One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now