🌹Vocaloid! Reader🌹

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Requested by babtqftimcrushi! I hope you all enjoy!

   You were now running from a large crowd of fangirls, but it was mainly fanboys as well. You quickly turned the corner and into an alleyway. You held your breath as the stampede passed you. You looked out the alleyway and saw the fan crowd down the street. You let out a sigh of relief and you started to walk out the alleyway, but then a hand covered your mouth and dragged you back. You let out an 'oof' when you were thrown against a brick wall. Your (eye color) eyes widened when three men started to group around you.

   "Well, lookie what we have here, boys! We got pretty one, didn't we?" the middle one asked as the two other ones nodded their heads. "Why don't you come home with us, sugar, and we can all have fun?~" he reached over to you, but you slapped his hand away. He growled and so did the others. "We have to teach this little missy how to treat her future masters! Get 'er boys!" you tried to fight back and your clothes got ripped. They tried to expose inappropriate parts of your body, but with your fighting back, they didn't really succeed.

   "Hey!" you hear a different voice yell. You and the men look in the direction of the voice and you see a black demon and a wolf as well. They were both wearing quest clothes and the demon had goggles on his head. "Let the girl go and no one gets hurt," the demon says and the men just laugh.

   "And what are you gonna do 'bout it, pipsqueak?" the man teases and the demon's eyes turn red and his fangs get sharp. He rushes the guy and knees his stomach, making him cough up spit. He holds onto his stomach. "G-get him, you idiots!" he says and his men run over to the demon. He simply ducks and the men land on the ground, face-first. The demon chuckles and grabs the back collar of the shirts. The demon bangs their heads repeatedly on a garbage bin and knocks them out. He turns to the other guy, who is shaking in fear.

   "Now, I'm going to say this again. Let the girl go. NoW!" the demon says demonicly and the man fearfully nods his head, running away. The demon turns to you and his features turn back to normal. Before he says anything, you run over to him and glomp him. Unknown to you, you accidentally hugged the little demon between your "chest" (if you have a small chest, then I'm just gonna make it a bit bigger). You thank him multiple times and then you pull away from the hug.

   His face was completely red and it looked like he fainted. The wolf then rushed over to you two.
   "What did you do?!?!" he asked.

   "I just hugged him..." you respond a bit confused. You then hear a car pull up and you and the wolf turn to it and then the door opens. Your manager gets out and sees you.

   "(Y/n)! What did I say about escaping the studio?! See?! I told you you were gonna get hurt! Now come back this instant!!" your manager scolds you and you sigh. You turn to the wolf just as he finished writing something. You dig through your purse and pull out two tickets for your next concert. You and the wolf exchange the tickets and paper and you handed him the demon back.

   You dashed over to the car and wave bye at the wolf, he waves back. The car then drives away from the scene. You look down at the paper and smile.

   'His name is Bendy and mine is Boris' was written on the slip of paper. You blush lightly thinking of Bendy. You smiled to yourself because Boris looked like he was an innocent cinnamon roll. You weren't listening to your manager's rambling. You were thinking of the wolf and demon that saved you. Maybe you'll see them in your concert.


   You breathed in and out as you were getting ready to perform. You were wearing a glistening (fav color) dress and your hair was in (insert cute hairstyle). You hear your name getting announced and you walk on the stage.

   "Hello everyone! How are you doing?" you say into a microphone. Your response was a loud cheer. You scan the crowd and blush lightly when you see Bendy and Boris. "Are you all ready?" you ask and the audience screams a loud "YEAH!". You giggle to yourself and smile. You hear the music start to play and you sing (favorite vocaloid song). You twirled a bit while singing and you kept glancing over to Bendy. You then winked at Bendy at one part of the song and Bendy blushed.

   When you finished the song, the crowd went wild. You smiled and waved out to the crowd. "Thank you for coming! Have a good night!" you say then you blow a small kiss to Bendy and walk off stage.

BABTQFTIM!Bendy x Reader~One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now