🌻Yandere! Bendy🌻

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Requested by: THEWARWITHIN! Onto the one-shot!
   You were walking with Bendy and Boris, so you can get to Mickey's circus. While on the way, you three passed a guy and he wolf whistled, smacking your butt. You jump and yelp and glare at the guy. He just gave you a seductive smirk. He then tries to touch you again, but Bendy takes his hand and breaks it, then he kicks him between the legs. This makes the guy fall onto the ground, holding where Bendy kicked.
   Bendy then starts to punch him repeatedly, and you and Boris realize he could kill him. You and Boris pull Bendy away from the guy. He had a broken nose, his lip was busted, and he now had two black eyes. You notice Bendy's eyes glow a little red and you look down at his gloves and they had a bit of blood. "Bendy, it's over. I'm sure he learned his lesson," you say and Bendy looks over to you, all the anger and hate driven out of him. "Come on, let's get moving," you hold Bendy's hand and drag him from the scene.
   You could have sworn you heard Bendy purr, but you ignored it. You guys used some water to clean Bendy's gloves and then headed off to the circus. Bendy scratched the back of his head.
   "I'm sorry about what happened, Sen-um, (Y/n)," Bendy apologized and you give him a smile. You didn't know he was about to call you 'Senpai'. You place a hand on his shoulder, his face immediately brightened.
   "Its okay, Bendy. You were just protecting me," you answer. You then look back at the circus. Bendy was secretly trying to process what happened. You, his Senpai, just touched him. His face brightened more.
   The circus finished and Boris went to get an autograph from Mickey. You and Bendy, of course, followed after him. Mickey gives Boris his autograph and then Oswald and his kid came in. You suddenly felt a hand grip onto you and you turned to see ink dripping down Bendy's face. He was having a coughing fit as well.
   You held onto Bendy and you, Boris, and Mickey took care of him. You pet Bendy slightly. "Its ok, Bendy. You're going to be okay," you comfort him. Bendy looks at you and his mouth forms a small smile as he listens to your comforting words. Bendy closes his eyes and falls asleep. You smile slightly and kiss Bendy's forehead.
   Boris sees this and squeals quietly. He was shipping you and Bendy for a while now. He always hoped that Bendy would confess or you would. Boris also took note that Bendy gets a bit overprotective sometimes, but he shrugs it off.
   Bendy eventually woke up and the three of you were on your way. Bendy went into a bathroom as you and Boris waited outside. After a couple of minutes, Boris was getting impatient.
   "Come on, Bendy! I need to get out of here before I start screaming!" Boris shouted.
   "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming crazy mouse fan," you hear Bendy reply casually. Another couple seconds pass and you get worried. You and Boris hear a blast and immediately run in the bathroom for Bendy. He was on the ground, and his 'hair' was a mess. You glare at Cuphead and launch yourself at him.
   He was about to shoot you, but you kicked his hand. Cup yelps in pain and you grab him by the collar of his shirt. Bendy and Boris were looking at you in shock. Cuphead smirked at pulled your hands away and kicked you in the stomach. This sent you flying to Bendy and Boris's feet.
   Bendy saw this and snapped. His eyes glowed red and his fangs sharpened. He ran to Cup and kicked him in the stomach. Cup ended up coughing up a bit of blood.
   "How do you like getting kicked in the stomach?! DOES IT HURT?!" Bendy yells, his voice sounding demonic. He starts to kick Cup repeatedly in the stomach, while Cuphead was begging for mercy. Mug ran over to Bendy and pulled on his arm.
   "Stop! He's had enough! We learned our lesson!" Mug pleaded with tears in his eyes, but Bendy just shoved him away. You stood up holding your stomach. Boris gave you a worried look as you trudged over to Bendy.
   "Are you gonna hurt my Senpai again?! Let me hear you!" Bendy shouts at the injured Cuphead. You were now behind Bendy.
   "BENDY, STOP NOW!!!" you exclaim and he stops and turns to you. Everything is silent and Bendy's eyes stop glowing. You sigh and hug Bendy and you feel him jump slightly.
   "S-senpai..." you hear Bendy stutter out. You smile and blush lightly. You pull out the hug and give Bendy a sweet smile.
   "Bendy, please stop he's had enough," you tell him and he looks down at the floor. You notice and put your hands on his cheeks. He blushes bright red as you inch towards his face. You smile at him and kiss him directly on the lips. Bendy's face turns into a tomato and he's in too much shock to kiss you back.
   When you pull away, you see that Bendy fainted. You giggle to yourself. "I guess I made him faint with love," you joked and carry Bendy bridal style. You and Boris apologize to Mug and he forgives you. Mug then takes Cup away and you and Boris head off your way with an unconscious, love struck Bendy.

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